Login-box is a WordPress plugin that inserts into all your pages a login form, making faster the authentication process. As the Login-box is hidden, it doesn’t draws attention of your readers to this part of the blog that doesn’t interest them, but, for you (and the others editors of your blog), becomes quite practical to be opened with a simple combination of keys.

The Login-box presents a visual identical to the default login page of WordPress, but it can be easily modified with themes.


Login-box 2.0 has a practical and self-explanatory options panel where you can change your settings, it is accessible within the page “Design”, into the panel of WordPress.

Alternatively, you can edit the options directly into a PHP file, which eliminates the database queries and significantly improves the performance if your blog has a lot of access. Open the login-box-config-sample.php, edit the following lines and at the end, save it with the name login-box-config.php.

  1. @define(“LB_THEME”, “wp25”);

In this line, put the name of the theme that you like to use. You can download new themes on web or make your theme based in the defaults “wp25” and “wpclassic”.

  1. @define(“LB_KEY”, “e”);

Choose the key (case insensitive) that will be open/close Login-box with Ctrl or Alt. Note that some keys executes especial functions in your browser (and in browser of your readers!). and them will be cancelled by Login-box. (e.g. Ctrl + A selects all). I recommend that you leave the default value “e”.

  1. @define(“LB_CTRL”, true);

Also, you can define false here and deactivate the Ctrl use of Login-box. So, you can put “a” in LB_KEY, and open Login-box with Alt + A. Ctrl + A will be selects all normally.

  1. @define(“LB_BACKTOPAGE”, true);

Here, choose on you will be redirected when success login. If true, you will be back to the actual page; if false, you will be redirected to the WordPress Dashboard.

  1. @define(“LB_FADE”, true);

Here, set true if you want that Login-box opens with a fade-in effect; Set false if not want.

  1. @define(“LB_AUTO”, true);

Here, leave true and the Login-box will be automatically inserted into your blog (see steps 3 and 4 of the “install” section); If you prefer to choose where the Login-box will appear in your blog, set here as false and put in its theme, the code <?php loginbox(); ?> where you want it to appear.

I press key comb, but the Login box does not appear.

Try logout. Login-box doesn’t work if you are already logged.

I’m ALREADY unlogged. Login-box just don’t works…

Read steps 3 and 4 in the Installation section.

Can open/close the Login-box with a link?

Yes. Just use the link syntax:

<a href="http://www.myblog.com/wp-login.php" rel="loginbox-toggle">Make the box!</a>

I want to make a theme for the Login-box. Do you have a good tutorial?

No 🙁

But if you eat HTML and CSS in breakfast, see the files of the default Login-box themes. It’s easy, I assure!

I have another question was not answered here, what can I do?

Maybe the best way is go to my blog (http://danillonunes.net/en/tag/login-box/) and send your question as a comment from one of the posts about Login-box. Alternatively, you could send me a private message (http://danillonunes.net/en/contact/).

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Extract the downloaded file and move the login-box folder to the plug-ins directory of WordPress (normally localized at /wp-content/plugins/).
  2. In the WordPress admin, access “Plug-ins” area and activate the Login-box plug-in.
  3. Optional: if your WordPress theme doesn’t have the wp_head hook, open header.php and put this code between <head> and </head>: <?php wp_head(); ?>
  4. Optional: if your WordPress theme doesn’t have the wp_footer hook, open footer.php and put them: <?php wp_footer(); ?>


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.0.4
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 2.2
  • Tested up to: 2.8.2
  • PHP version: false