LiveJournal Crossposter

LiveJournal Crossposter

Stephanie Leary

LJ-XP automatically crossposts blog entries to your LiveJournal (or LiveJournal-based clone) account.


  • Crosspost entries to a LiveJournal account or community.
  • Customize the crosspost header or footer notice using built-in shortcodes, or create your own.
  • Force comments to be on one site or the other, or allow them on both.
  • Edit privacy settings for the LiveJournal posts. Choose whether to crosspost private WordPress posts to LJ as private, for friends (including custom friends groups), or not at all.
  • Assign tags based on WordPress categories and/or tags.
  • Assign <!--more--> tag settings (use LJ-cut or just link back to the WordPress post).
  • Crosspost only certain categories.
  • Crosspost excerpts or full text.
  • Choose LJ userpics for each post.
  • Add the link to the LJ post to your WordPress post or theme.
  • Relative links in the WordPress post are converted to full URLs in the crosspost.
  • WordPress galleries, which rely on theme CSS for layout, are crossposted with inline styles.
  • Option to not crosspost by default.

dont work at my WP 5.2.3.

By fixin on October 5, 2019

Show many errors, i must deactivate and delete plugin

Great tool (one minor thing)

By gmachine1729 on May 12, 2019

I was able to crosspost to livejournal one by one my latest 10 entries. Then I found the crosspost all old entries. But since I have almost 200, it timed out and only like my earliest 1/3 of them were crossposted. The rest must be done manually. I'm a programmer too by the way. It's possible that that problem I can help resolve (depends on my level of time and motivation of course). I saw that you have a with the code base, I haven't looked at it yet though.


By delanthear on June 11, 2018

Lots of errors in the latest wp version: 4.9.6–en_GB


By samuel641 on September 3, 2016

Earlier in the evening, I had a hairy experience with another crossposting plugin. One that nearly took down my site.

Then, installing this one, I didn't have high expectations. But I did, and started to work with it immediately.

This plugin posted my blogs with the correct annotations. I would have preferred they were at the bottom of the post, rather than the top, but whatever.

Posting and updating posts worked flawlessly. It really does sound like the author of this one listened to the feedback he was getting, and built a better piece of software.

Kudos on a job well done!

A lot of bugs and lack of support

By yegorka on September 3, 2016

Post settings doesn't work - only default are applied, custom works only after post edit.

NextGen single images doesn't work at all.

Doesn't post anything with tags.

NO SUPPORT at all :(

I have to fix every crosspost manually. It's not adequate at all.


  • Fixed notices


  • Fixed yet another bug in the per-post comments settings. (#149)
  • Fixed the relative link function to correctly ignore https URLs. (#148)


  • Turned off the debug mode that was accidentally left on in 2.3. My apologies!


  • Added support for custom friends groups. (#37)
  • Fixed a problem where entries that were edited after being crossposted had the backdate option set, making them disappear from friends lists. This option is now set only when crossposting all entries in bulk. (#146)
  • Fixed another bug in the per-post comments settings. (#149)


  • Fixed the userpic and comment settings on individual posts. (#144)
  • Added some helpers to work around servers that do not support PHP’s multibyte string functions.


  • Fixed the new relative link function so it leaves full URLs alone. (#141)
  • Now using WP’s HTTP API rather than curl_*(), which means the userpic retrieval functions should work on more servers.


  • New option: default LJ privacy levels for private WP posts. (#73)
  • Added support for custom fields in the header/footer. See the wiki for documentation. (#113)
  • Now auto-generates excerpts from the content, if crossposting excerpts and the post doesn’t have an excerpt specified (#139)
  • Added a filter, ljxp_pre_process_excerpt, applied to the excerpt before it’s crossposted. Developers should use this in addition to ljxp_pre_process_post to support both excerpt and full-text options.
  • Relative links are now converted to full URLs before the content is crossposted (#134)
  • The LJ URL of the post is now stored in a custom field, so you can easily add the link to your WP entry. (#51)
  • Galleries are now crossposted with inline styles, so their grid layout is maintained (#117)
  • When posting to a community, deleted WP entries are now deleted from the community correctly.
  • New Help screen on the options page.
  • Updated POT for translators.


  • Fixed category handling and a warning about arrays on line 89 that could also lead to “headers already sent” message on some servers.
  • Translations: generated new POT from; updated old .po/.mo files to match the new text domain.


  • Fix for <!--more--> tags containing text (#76)
  • Added a filter, ljxp_pre_process_post, applied to the post content before it’s crossposted (#120)
  • Added option to not crosspost by default (#67)
  • Added option to crosspost the excerpt instead of the full text (#111)
  • Added [author] tag for header/footer (#34)
  • Settings API! Much better security.
  • General settings cleanup. Now using two settings instead of thirteen, and removing settings on plugin uninstall.
  • More improvements to the error handling.


  • send error back to the post edit screen when LJ is down (transport/socket errors) rather than using wp_die(), which stops all other plugins from working
  • support userpics (#74)
  • support cut text
  • switch to new meta box format so you can collapse the LJ box or move it around the post edit screen
  • fix a problem with gallery image IDs that would cause the wrong images to be shown when the [gallery] shortcode was crossposted
  • options page cleanup
  • get rid of has_cap deprecated argument notice
  • less obnoxious default styling for the crosspost header/footer
  • A-Bishop’s LiveJournal Comments is now bundled with this plugin, eliminating the need for extra setup. This version has been edited to use a more reliable configuration, and this copy will be updated alongside LJ-XP.
  1. Upload the lj-xp directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings → LiveJournal and configure your settings.


2.3 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.3.3
  • Last updated: 9 years ago
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 4.1.41
  • PHP version: false