


LinkList adds a list of mentioned links at the end of the post, page or feed.


Linklist automatically puts a list of all link at the end of the post or page. If you want to exclude an
individual page/post from displaying the list you can de-select the “Display Linklist” checkbox on the
left side of the edit screen.

If you want to change the display of the link list for an already existing post/page you can use
the Quick Edit or Bulk Edit option.


LinkList provides a varietey of settings to tweak the list to your needs. The settings are
divided into three parts (posts, pages and feeds).

General settings

Here you can define if the linklist should be display on posts, pages and/or feeds at all.

Posts settings

  • Content to put in front of list
    Text to be displayed in front of the linklist

  • Style of list
    You can choose between three different styles:

  • Ordered list:

    1. link
    2. link
    3. link
  • Unordered list

    • link
    • link
    • link
  • Char separated list
    link, link, link, link

    The separating character is defined in “Separator character(s)”

  • Separating character(s)
    Character(s) used to separate the links if “char separated list” is chosen above.

  • Minimum links
    Minimum number of links mentioned in the post for the list to be displayed.

  • Sorting
    Sort the links alphabetically. This function has an issue with international characters (e.g.
    German umlauts).

  • More tag
    Prevents the display of the link list on the main blog page.

  • Single post
    Prevents the display of the link list on the main blog page.

  • Last page only
    If you have devided your post into several parts using the link list is only displayed on the last page.
    This list will contain all links of the post. If the list is displayed at the end of every part only the links of that
    part are displayed. The settings of “Minimum links” applies to every part separately.

  • Exceptions
    You can except divs from being harvested for links. Enter a comma separated kist of divs to be excluded.

  • Priority
    There are many other plugins messing around with the post content. By altering the priority of the LinkList you can change the position where the list appearts. 1 means high priority, 20 means low priority, default is 10.

Pages settings

  • Content to put in front of list
    Text to be displayed in front of the linklist

  • Style of list
    You can choose between three different styles:

  • Ordered list:

    1. link
    2. link
    3. link
  • Unordered list

    • link
    • link
    • link
  • Char separated list
    link, link, link, link

    The separating character is defined in “Separator character(s)”

  • Separating character(s)
    Character(s) used to separate the links if “char separated list” is chosen above.

  • Minimum links
    Minimum number of links mentioned in the post for the list to be displayed.

  • Sorting
    Sort the links alphabetically. This function has an issue with international characters (e.g.
    German umlauts).

  • Last page only
    If you have devided your post into several parts using the link list is only displayed on the last page.
    This list will contain all links of the post. If the list is displayed at the end of every part only the links of that
    part are displayed. The settings of “Minimum links” applies to every part separately.

Feed settings

  • Content to put in front of list
    Text to be displayed in front of the linklist

  • Style of list
    You can choose between three different styles:

  • Ordered list:

    1. link
    2. link
    3. link
  • Unordered list

    • link
    • link
    • link
  • Char separated list
    link, link, link, link

    The separating character is defined in “Separator character(s)”

  • Separating character(s)
    Character(s) used to separate the links if “char separated list” is chosen above.

  • Minimum links
    Minimum number of links mentioned in the post for the list to be displayed.

  • Sorting
    Sort the links alphabetically. This function has an issue with international characters (e.g.
    German umlauts).

Styling LinkList

You can style the link list with CSS:

Content to put in front of list


You can programmatically change the content of the linklist by adding a filter:

add_filter(‘linklist’, ‘my_linklist’);

function my_linklist($list) {


  • Joost de Valk (Yoast) for his plugin tools (yst_plugin_tools.php).
  • Tami Mize for assuming display option for individual posts or pages

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the plugin and unzip it.
  2. Upload the folder lonklist/ to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  4. Installation finished.


  • Added display option for individual posts (inl. Quick and Bulk edit)


  • Added possibility to except divs in content from link harvesting
  • Added option to seet priority of LinkList


  • Fixed “Strict standards” notice in PHP 5.5
  • Checked for 3.7 compatibility


  • Added: filter for link list (11 SEP 2012)


Initial release (15 AUG 2009)

  1. Download the plugin and unzip it.
  2. Upload the folder lonklist/ to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  4. Installation finished.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.5
  • Last updated: 9 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 3.7
  • Tested up to: 4.7.29
  • PHP version: false