Keep Sabbath
Keep Sabbath

Keep Sabbath

Noah R.

Keep Sabbath is a plugin to help those that want to keep the 7th-day Sabbath and Biblical Holy days set-apart (holy) by not buying or selling on them. (Genesis 2:2,3 ; Isaiah 58:13,14 ; Amos 8:5 ; Nehemiah 10: 31 ; Jeremiah 17:21,22 ; Matthew 6:33 ; Acts 16:13)

You can input specific page URLs to redirect to a certain page URL during the Sabbath and/or specified Holy days. This is useful for e-commerce sites or any site that has online purchasing. It will automatically start redirecting when the Sabbath or Holy days begin, and stop re-directing afterwards.

The timing is based on the understanding that Biblical days begin at sunset and end at sunset the following day.

  • For the 7th-day Sabbath, this means from sundown Fri. to sundown Sat. it will automatically redirect with no extra configuration from you.
  • For Biblical holy days (Passover, Pentacost, etc) this means that the day will start sundown the day prior to the day you specify in the admin Holy Day Dates setting.

Setting up

  1. Navigate to the Keep Sabbath settings by either clicking the Settings link on the plugins page, or through the Settings > Keep Sabbath menu in the sidebar.

  2. Use a latitude/longitude finder online to find the right coordinates from your address and input them into the Latitude and Longitude fields.

  3. Optionally, input dates of Holy Days into the Holy day dates field, one per line in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

  4. Input page names into the Page URLs field, one per line. These are the pages you want to redirect during the Sabbath or a Holy day.

  5. Input the page name of the page you want vistors to be redirect to on the Sabbath or Holy days in the Redirect to page URL field.

  6. Click the Save Changes button, and you’re done! The plugin will automatically redirect the URLs to the given page on Sabbath or a Holy day.


  • Initial plugin release

You can install the plugin through the WordPress installer under Plugins Add New by searching for “Keep Sabbath”, or by uploading the file downloaded from here.

Alternatively you can download the file from here, unzip it and move the unzipped contents to the wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress installation. You will then be able to activate the plugin.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Last updated: 11 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP version: 7.2