
JobLister is a free and open-source WordPress plugin that allows you to set up a job listing page on your WordPress website using a simple [jbls_jobs] shortcode. The plugin is powered by React and functions as a Single-page app, providing a range of features including a search functionality, filters, an application form, and a RTL-ready design.

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  • Free and Open Source: Collaborate with the community to improve JobLister.
  • Single Page Application with React: Offers lightning-fast interactions and a seamless user experience.
  • Versatile Job Listings Display:
    • Overview Mode: List jobs with search and filter capabilities.
    • Detail Mode: View job details and apply directly.
  • Efficient Job Search and Filter Functionality: Narrow down job searches by keywords, categories, location, type, and experience.
  • Enhanced Bookmarking and Sharing: Utilized filter, page, and query parameters in the URL.
  • Customization Settings: Personalize appearance and functionality with an intuitive settings page.
  • No Account Required: Applicants can submit job applications without the need to log in, ensuring a user-friendly and accessible process.
  • Convenient Pagination: Navigate through job listings with ease.
  • Spam-free submissions: Use a form protected by Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless experience across all devices.
  • RTL-Ready Design: Supports right-to-left languages.
Can I contribute to JobLister?

Yes, we welcome contributions. Please refer to the Contributing section in the GitHub repository’s file.

Can I customize the look and feel of the JobLister plugin to match my site’s design?

Absolutely! JobLister comes with an intuitive settings page that allows you to fine-tune the appearance to seamlessly blend with your site’s design.

For experienced developers, JobLister offers enhanced flexibility: it employs Sass in accordance with the BEM methodology, facilitating extensive and systematic customization.

What fields are included in the application form?

The application form is designed to collect essential information from job applicants. It includes fields for the applicant’s name, email address, a section for a cover letter, a resume upload option, and a consent checkbox to ensure compliance with privacy regulations.


  • feat: Add Grid view for job listings and a toggle switch to easily switch between List and Grid views.
  • fix: Implement reCAPTCHA token validation on the backend.
  • fix: Made adjustments to the formatting and content of custom error messages for consistency.


  • revert: remove autoFocus from search field and scroll to top on listing view.
  • Update readme.txt


  • feat: Add ID and slug validation to Single component with error handling.
  • fix: Update “Back to jobs” button to navigate back in history.
  • fix: Ensure external links within job description open in a new tab.
  • fix: Decode HTML entities in REST API responses and ensure proper rendering.
  • fix: Add null checks for job attributes in filter conditions to prevent errors.
  • feat: Add OR divider between search input and filters to improve UI clarity.
  • feat: Sync filters and search query with URL for enhanced bookmarking and sharing.
  • feat: Use page parameters in URL for improved UX.
  • feat: Add autoFocus to search field for improved user experience.
  • feat: Scroll to top of page on the listing view.
  • feat: Scroll to top of page on post open.
  • refactor: Enhance initialization process and fix undefined method error.
  • refactor: Disable default REST API for jbls_application CPT and add custom POST endpoint.
  • refactor: Disable default REST API for custom taxonomies and add custom endpoints.
  • refactor: Disable default REST API for the jbls_job CPT and add custom REST endpoint for fetching jobs.
  • refactor: Update REST API namespace from wp/v2 to jbls/v1.
  • feat: Add “Requires Plugins” header to specify plugin dependencies.


  • fix: Remove custom color property from .jbls-select__multi-value__label.
  • fix: Remove border style on select input control option when focused.
  • fix: Replace Twitter’s original icon with “X” icon.
  • fix: Append a trailing slash to the end of the default privacy policy URL.


  • Initial release.

Install JobLister from within WordPress

  1. Visit the “Plugins” menu within your dashboard and select “Add New Plugin”.
  2. Search for “JobLister”.
  3. Install the JobLister plugin.
  4. Go to “After installation” below.

Install JobLister manually

  1. Upload the “joblister” folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the JobLister plugin through the “Plugins” menu within your dashboard.
  3. Go to “After activation” below.

After installation

  1. Visit the “Plugins” menu within your dashboard and select “Add New Plugin”.
  2. Search for “Radio Buttons for Taxonomies”.
  3. Install and activate the Radio Buttons for Taxonomies plugin, a required dependency for JobLister to function correctly.
  4. Visit “Settings > Radio Buttons for Taxonomies” within your dashboard, and select jbls_category, jbls_experience_level, jbls_location, and jbls_type. Then, save your changes.
  5. Sign up for a Google reCAPTCHA API key pair for your site, choosing “reCAPTCHA v2, Invisible”. Note down the API Site Key.
  6. Visit “Jobs > Settings” within your dashboard and enter the noted reCAPTCHA API Site Key.
  7. Take a few minutes to adjust the rest of the settings to your liking.
  8. Insert the [jbls_jobs] shortcode on any page.
  9. You’re done!


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.3.0
  • Last updated: 3 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.6
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP version: 7.2