Invite Friends

Invite Friends

Giovanni Caputo

Invite friends on buddypress social network from MSN, gmail, Yahoo, facebook and twitter. You can invite friends from BuddyPress Bar : MyAccount/Friends/Invite Friends.

It works under wordpressMU + BuddyPress .


0.1 – First release for beta version of BuddyPress.
0.3 – First release for RC1 version of BuddyPress.
0.5 – RC1 release with import rom Facebook and Twitter.
0.6 – RC1 Messenger API and new admin page.
0.7 – First release for RC2.
0.8 – Release for BuddyPress 1.0


In English but you can translate language file .po 


If you don’t rate my plugin as 5/5 – please write why – and I will change plugin, add options and fix bugs. It’s very unpleasant to see silient low rates.
If you don’t understand what plugin does – also don’t rate it 😉


If you have troubles with my plugin, need more details, or have suggestions – please visit my blog or buddypressDev Home Page.

If you use 0.6.1 version for RC1

* Unzip files in /wp-content/mu-plugins/. 

If you use 0.7.1 version for RC2

* Unzip files in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/. 

0.8 Cersion for BP 1.0 * * Unzip files in /wp-content/plugins/. Active plugin from plugin page.

From admin page:

Setting/Invite Friends Set a mail address from will be send a mail to invite friends.[Default: mail admin]. Set type methods for all services. You can use API or scraper. If you not change it than it can not avaiable. 


If use Yahoo API click on "GET AN APP ID" to get an application ID.(SET all fild and select "Browser Based Authentication") If use gMail API set ZEND URL. Ensure that all services are TESTED with "No errors found".   
 For Facebook: 
    Create new Facebook application from [createapp]( as     Canvas Callback URL     Canvas URL     FBML/iframe         FBML     Developer Mode         Disattivato     Application Type         Sito Web     Private Install         No     Descrizione dell'applicazione         facebook import      Copy  API key and secret to admin page, insert url of application(canvas URL), and set redirect URL as home page of blog. 


2 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.8
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: false
  • Tested up to: false
  • PHP version: false