Integration of Icecat Live

Integration of Icecat Live


The plugin allows to embed product data-sheet (description, images and specifications) from Icecat catalog directly to the page of your WordPress website. Those can be woocommerce product page, blog post or simple page.
Available categories are:
– Computers;
– Telecom;
– Building;
– Construction;
– Audio;
– Video;
– Photo;
– Domestic Appliances;
– Office;
– Entertainment;
– Fashion;
– Toys;
– Health;
– Beauty;
– Sports;
– Vehicles;
– Food;
– Beverages;
– Tobacco;
– Pet Care;
– Drugs;
– Pharmaceutics is an internationally approved open catalogue that publishes and syndicates product content from manufacturers, making it available to retailers, suppliers, review sites, and online shopping directories. The icecat catalog stores data of more than 18 million products.

In order to display product data-sheet on the page, you just need to place shortcode into post content. You don’t need to generate the shortcode by yourself. Just press a button Icecat Live shortcode and put some product data: product brand + MPN or EAN. Also select the language of imported data-sheet.

Icecat offers data-sheets in more than 20 most common languages. Please, keep in mind that most complete of the products data-sheet in the catalog is in English.

To work with the plugin and import data from the Icecat LIVE, you need to create an account at This could be an Open Icecat account(free) or a Full Icecat account(paid). The plugin works with both types of accounts. Some brands are available for Full Icecat account only.

Plugin developer does not associated in any way with Icecat NV.

Additional Info

The plugin’s operation is based on the use of data received from the service Icecat catalog.
Icecat is an internationally approved open catalogue that publishes and syndicates product content from manufacturers, making it available to retailers, suppliers, review sites, and online shopping directories.
The plugin sends a request to the server via the client browser. The plugin does not save, use or transmit any personal user data.
The module developers are not responsible for any possible use of customer data by the service

Please read the following information carefully:

Link to the service –
Link to the service terms of use and/or privacy policies –

I can’t find the language I need in the list of available languages. Can I add my language?

Yes. We can add your language to the list of available ones if it is available in the Icecat catalog.

I can’t find the button Icecat Live shortcode

The button is located on the panel TinyMCE editor. If you use WP Block editor, TinyMC panel available for Classic block type. Also, you can use the Pattern of shortcode from the plugins setting page. Copy and paste this pattern where you need it and replace it with your data(brand, mpn, barcode, lang).

Is the plugin compatible with the woocommerce plugin?

Yes. The plugin correctly embed the product datasheet into woocommerce product page.


The first version of the Icecat Live integration plugin


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0
  • Last updated: 4 days ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 6.1
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.4