Instant 301 Redirection
Instant 301 Redirection

Instant 301 Redirection


This plugin generates HTTP 301 Redirect directives for your WordPress site’s .htaccess file, i.e. it caches HTTP 301 Redirect Requests in the .htaccess file.

The HTTP 301 redirects generated by this plugin, coupled with any popular WordPress caching plugin of your choice, will make your site lightning fast.

Third party service description

This plugin does not make use of any third party services. No data is collected or submitted by this plugin.

The only data used by this plugin, are post IDs and URLs in your database, which are used to generate .htaccess HTTP 301 directives.

This plugin’s source code may be verified for confirmation.


Install and activate the plugin.

If you have a brand new WordPress installation, then just sit back and enjoy. This plugin will take care of the rest, automatically keeping your .htaccess file updated with HTTP 301 redirect directives for your site’s posts.

If you have an existing site with many posts, then please see the section “Manually generate .htaccess file” below, to finish setting up your site with this plugin. Alternatively, you can repeatedly save one of your existing posts, until the .htaccess regenerate process has been automatically completed.

You can confirm the contents of your .htaccess file, after you have installed and activated this plugin.

To undo the effects of this plugin, simply uninstall the plugin, and remove the auto-generated section in your .htaccess file.

Manually generate .htaccess file

To force this script to generate the .htaccess file:

  1. Edit wp-content/plugins/instant-301-redirection/.htaccess and add directives to allow direct access for calling the plugin file.
  2. In a browser, go to: (replace with your actual site’s URL).
  3. Please be patient, as it may take some time to fully generate the .htaccess file for your site the first time, or if you haven’t run this plugin in a long time.
  4. You may have to go to the URL in step 2 multiple times, if the web server times out before being able to cache all the posts on your site during one request.
  5. You can confirm whether the plugin is still in progress, or if it is finished, by examining the generated .htaccess file for one of the following messages:
    • This plugin is, or was, busy processing your posts on ‘date’.
    • This plugin has not finished processing all your posts yet as on ‘date’.
    • This plugin processed all your posts on ‘date’.

Is this plugin free to use?

Yes, this plugin is free to use. The source code is available for you to examine what the plugin does and how it works.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.5
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2