iBegin Share

iBegin Share


iBegin Share is an easy to use tool that allows you to make it easy to share and spread your content across the web. Features built-in support for email, the social web & bookmarks, Word Document, PDF, and printing.

Please visit the homepage for updates and more information: http://www.ibegin.com/labs/share/


By default, the iBegin Share appears at the end of every post (before comments). You may choose to disable ‘Add iBegin Share to posts’ while leaving ‘Allow the user of [ibeginshare] in posts and pages’ to control where you want the ‘Share’ link to appear.


Please refer to our forum at http://www.ibegin.com/labs/forum/

  1. Upload the ibegin_share folder into your blog’s wp-content/plugins directory (so it should become wp-content/plugins/ibegin_share/)
  2. Log into WP admin
  3. Head on over to Plugins. It should say iBegin Share – click on Activate (it may take a few minutes to finish)
  4. A sub-menu under Plugins will appear. You can customize the appearance via the ‘iBegin Share’ link


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: $$SVN:VERSION$$ ($$SVN:REVISION$$)
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.0.11
  • Tested up to: 2.5
  • PHP version: false