Hyper Cache
Hyper Cache

Hyper Cache

Stefano Lissa

Hyper Cache is a cache plugin specifically written to get the maximum speed for your WordPress blog.

It can be used in low resources hosting as well on high end servers.

Hyper Cache is purely PHP and works on every blog: no complex configurations are needed and when you deactivate it no stale settings are left around.


Mobile detection server side and serving different content to mobile and desktop device is now obsolete.
Every modern WP theme deals with mobile/desktop contexts using the media queries, progressive enhancement and so on.
So I don’t see the need to keep the mobile/desktop cache separation and all the overhead in the plugin. The feature will be removed as version 3.5.

Short list of features:

  • Mobile aware: double cache for desktop and mobile site versions
  • HTTPS ready
  • Mobile theme switch option: change the theme on mobile device detection
  • Able to serve expired pages to bots to increase the perceived blog speed by bots
  • Manages compression even on the fly for non cached pages
  • Lots of configurable bypasses: matching cookies, matching urls, user agents, …
  • Comments aware: is able to serve cached pages even to visitors who commented the blog (perfect for blog with great readers paritipation)
  • Cache folder can be moved outside your blog space to exclude it from backups
  • Controls over cache cleaning on blog events (post edited, comments, …)
  • Autoclean to controls the cache used disk space
  • CDN support
  • Other special options
  • Response header signature to check the working status
  • bbPress specific integration

More can be read on the Hyper Cache official page.

You can further optimize the blog installing Autoptimize which cleans up the HTML, minifies and concatenates CSS and JavaScript.

Other plugins by Stefano Lissa:


By NightFlash on July 10, 2023

С этим плагином нагрузка на сервер в разы меньше, а сама скорость загрузки страниц значительно выросла. Они загружаются просто моментально!

Simply faster

By cgaeking on May 24, 2022

Really well coded plugin, improved pagespeed for google from 86 to 93 compared to lightspeed cache. Simple and reliable.

Just Works and Works Great, Thank You !!

By treecutter on September 10, 2021

Hyper Cache just works for us, and does exactly what we want. Code is very lightweight, simple to install and even easier to use. Very decent plugin indeed, thank you to the developer


By bloup on March 28, 2020

Hyper cache is an little known excellent cache plugin for wordpress. This is the only free plugin I am aware of that is capable of creating two separate caches for your website. One for your mobile version and one for your desktop version. It is great for those like me who have a wordpress theme that is not responsive. My theme delivers a mobile menu for mobile phones and a desktop menu for desktops. I needed a version of a page to display the mobile menu and another version to display the desktop menu. I used WP super cache. It didn't work because it had no separated cache. I bought WP rocket. It stored two versions but Googlebot for smartphone returned issues when it scanned a page of my website. It is simple. It can be set up in 30 seconds. There aren't any useless settings. It only works with PHP, it means several things. it means that this plugin will never mess up your HTACCESS and create strange behavior due to rewrite directives since there is NO rewrite directives. Your HTACCESS remain CLEAN just like when your mother clean the toilets. You activate it and it works. Googlebot for smartphone love it and does not return any errors. I love to read no loading issues.

5.8s to 2.6 s on gtmetrix.com

By Pierre236 (Pierreto) on July 13, 2019

I install it in one website because i have bug with other plugin, i just thing it's normal cache like other, but after i don't understand why this website are more speed than my other, then i install it in other, replace other famous caching, and can see miracle, green color on page speed test! Thanks a lot

I am using this plugin so much years

By lousalome2 on June 9, 2019

Good work

Crushed site

By dorogoi on June 9, 2019

I tried to change the settings of the plugin. Plugin broke site. I had to restore the site. Upd. The problem was solved

Great cache plugin, Easy to setup, no problem like others!

By Patrick Toulze on February 14, 2019

This is to replace a supposely famous other Wordpress cache plugins that bug my site. First page without plugin: 38 requests 1.80 MB / 1.41 MB transferred Finish: 9.27 s DOMContentLoaded: 1.44 s load: 9.27 s With plugin: 7 requests 212.02 KB / 2.04 KB transferred Finish: 6.20 s DOMContentLoaded: 385 ms load: 730 ms Nothing else to say, the numbers are talking. Just enough control to be a pro solution

THE caching plugin

By Nick van de Veerdonk (nmvdvjr) on March 15, 2018

Super fast, not overly complicated but with enough settings to customize for any set up. Most importantly: works like a charm on VPS!

Feature request

By AgnostosX on January 26, 2018

Working good enough. With Autoptimize and Scripts in Footer, my site speed was really improved. My site have 2 themes. One for stantard site and one for mobile version. Very useful the option for 2 seperated caches. However, it would be also very useful, to be an option in admin bar for direct cache delete, like others caching plugins. Even better, with 2 options: Delete cache for current page and delete total cache.


  • Fixed fatal error


  • Compatibility check with WP 6.3.2


  • Compatibility check with WP 5.8
  • Fixed some plugin and readme headers
  • Preparing to remove the mobile server side detection
  • Setting the minimum WP version to 4.6, translations loading are now fully managed by WP


  • Added clean up of blog posts page (thanks Erich)


  • Small improvement on 404 caching
  • General compatibility check with latest WP


  • Fixed http link on options panel


  • Removed the cache folder option from the settings (can still be defined using a define in wp-config.php) to avoid possible bad path injection
  • Thank you to RIPS Technologies – https://www.ripstech.com
  • Fix for host names with dashes
  • Translation supported only via (https://translate.wordpress.org): contributions welcomed


  • Added event of cache purged


  • Removed old plugin reference


  • Removed the javascript on AMP ready pages


  • Removed the old import code
  • Texts rewritten for easy translations on translate.wordpress.org
  • Fixed and header


  • Removed old jquery ui css


  • Added support for constant HYPER_CACHE_IS_MOBILE


  • Fix for possible 500 error code


  • Minor code review
  • Removed cookie based cache disabling


  • Fixed the cache invalidation for bbPress new topic


  • Improved integration with Autoptimize
  • Compatibility check with WP 4.4.2


  • Cache headers changed
  • URI sanitization changed


  • Slash and non slash ending URLs are now treated in the same way since canonicals avoid the double indexing


  • Added check for gz file write error
  • Added the gzip on the fly option


  • Fixed link rel canonica rewrite with the cdn active


  • Fixed the options delete function


  • Fixed translations
  • Reviewed CDN options (now available to all)


  • Fixed the comment awaiting notification cached


  • Added experimental support for CDN
  • Added on-the-fly compression
  • Fixed some headers


  • Fixed the post trashing detection


  • Tidy option removed


  • Fixed an error log always active


  • Fixed the agents bypass
  • Added the “serve expired pages to bots” options
  • Added the readfile/file_get_contents switch
  • Fixed the draft saving triggering a cache invalidation
  • Added distinct cache clean for home and archives
  • Added debug logging when HYPER_CACHE_LOG is true (define it on wp-config.php)
  • Fixed the + sign on comment author


  • Fixed comment author cookie clean


  • fixed a PHP warning on options panel when clearing an empty cache
  • pot file added
  • possible fix for after update messages that saving is needed


  • Fixed the cookie bypass
  • Removed a debug notice
  • Added HTTPS separated cache
  • Improved code performance


  • readme.txt fix
  • WP 4.0 compatibility check
  • Fixed invalidation on draft saving


  • Fixed analysis of URL with commas and dots
  • Improved the categories invalidation with /%category% permalink


  • Help texts fixed


  • Fixed the autoclean when max cached page age is set to 0
  • Changed a little the mobile agent list


  • Added the browser caching option
  • Fixed a cache header
  • Fixed warning on cache size if empty


  • Short description fix on plugin.php
  • Forum link fix on readme.txt
  • More help on comment authors option


  • Totally rewritten to include the Lite Cache features
  1. Put the plugin folder into [wordpress_dir]/wp-content/plugins/
  2. Go into the WordPress admin interface and activate the plugin
  3. Optional: go to the options page and configure the plugin


4.5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.4.2
  • Last updated: 11 months ago
  • Active installations: 10K
  • WordPress version: 4.6
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP version: 5.6