Hybrid Hook

Hybrid Hook

Justin Tadlock

Hybrid Hook is a plugin that allows end users the ability to tap into the Hybrid theme’s extensive hook selection by providing a user interface in the WordPress admin for adding custom content.

You must be using at least version 0.9 of the Hybrid theme for this plugin to work. It will also not work with any other themes.


  • Ability to add custom HTML nearly anywhere on your site.
  • Use shortcodes to quickly add content.
  • Allows the input of JavaScript.
  • User can select the priority the code will run.
  • Can execute PHP code if the option is selected.

Why was this plugin created?

This plugin was created so that end users and non-developers could take advantage of the Hybrid theme’s extensive hook system. It allows the input of HTML, PHP, shortcodes, and JavaScript from the WordPress admin. It’s a way to work around having to learn how to use the WordPress plugin API and just add content anywhere.

How do I set it up?

Under Appearance > Hybrid Hook, you can add custom code in individual textareas. Each textarea corresponds to one of the Hybrid theme’s hooks, and each is accompanied by a priority input box and a checkbox to execute PHP.

More detailed instructions are included in the plugin’s readme.html file.

Version 0.3

  • Bumped the plugin requirements up to WordPress 3.1 and Hybrid 0.9.
  • Revamped the entire plugin settings page interface to be (hopefully) more user friendly.
  • Removed the hybrid_before_page_nav setting.
  • Removed the hybrid_after_page_nav setting.
  • Removed the hybrid_after_single setting.
  • Removed the hybrid_after_page setting.
  • Added the hybrid_before_primary_menu setting.
  • Added the hybrid_after_primary_menu setting.
  • Added the hybrid_after_singular setting.
  • Created some additional meta boxes for donations and plugin support.
  • Security enhancements with saving code, making sure the unfiltered_html cap is checked.
  • Plugin users must now have the edit_theme_options cap to edit the settings. This replaced the edit_themes cap.

Version 0.2

Important! Note that you’ll need to resave all of your settings. I suggest making a copy of them in a text file.

  • Plugin was rewritten from the ground up to allow it to be extended for more action hooks in the future.
  • Added the ability to add shortcodes to the the different hook areas.
  • Each bit of custom code can now be given a priority other than the default.
  • Each section can now allow/disallow PHP code to be executed.
  • Added new sections for several action hooks: hybrid_before_entry, hybrid_after_entry, hybrid_before_subsidiary, and hybrid_after_subsidiary.

Version 0.1

  • Plugin launch. Everything’s new!
  1. Upload hybrid-hook to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance > Hybrid Hook to input custom content.

More detailed instructions are included in the plugin’s readme.html file.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.3
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 80
  • WordPress version: 3.1
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1
  • PHP version: false