


Hottaimoijiruna is a continuously updating AJAX powered clock for your site, with a customisable timezone so that you can display the time of day in your part of the world.

Can you alter the format of the returned date string?

Not yet, but you will be able to soon.

How does it work?

Every minute hottaimoijiruna makes a call to the server and gets the current time. It uses SACK, an AJAX Kit by Gregory Wild-Smith, that comes built in with WordPress 2.0

It doesn’t work!

Yes it does! See here. Have you activated the plugin? Are you using WordPress 2.0 or else have SACK installed? Have you called Have you got Javascript enabled?

Will it work with WordPress 1.x?

For 1.2.x – no – it needs the templating system in 1.5+ to put javascript into a post or page. For 1.5+, probably, but it needs the SACK kit that is in 2.0. If you <a href=”>download SACK and put it in the wp-includes/js/ directory, it should work.

Will it break if the user doesn’t have Javascript?

Nope. It should degrade nicely, and just leave the default text (or nothing).

Will it break if the XML call fails?

Nope. It should degrade nicely, and say “clock disabled”.

Will this run on every WordPress page and post?

Nope, only on pages where you call hottaimoijiruna(), and it will quit before the first call if there is a problem.

Do you have an example?

Have a look at my About Page.

What’s with the stupid name?

Hottaimoijiruna is Japanese and it roughly means, “Don’t touch the potato that was dug up”. It is what some Japanese people think you are saying when you say “What time is is now?” Try saying it fast and you’ll understand.

So it’s kind of a joke?

Kind of. Did you laugh?

  1. Upload hottaimoijiruna.php to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
  3. Use the WordPress plugins editor and set “HOURS_FROM_GMT” appropriately for your timezone.
  4. In every template that you wish for the clock to appear, call the function hottaimoijiruna().


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  • Version: 0.3
  • Last updated: 18 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: false
  • Tested up to: false
  • PHP version: false