What this plugin does:

Automatically changes your logo/header image based on the date.


  • Automatically updates background image of a div container with your chosen css class
  • Two Modes Available: Image Mode and Flash Mode (beta)
  • Select from a list of 28 Holidays (Use any or all)
  • Add your own custom dates/holidays
  • Setup information available on settings page
  • Other admin options

Features Planned or in Development:

  • Unique Logos Per Page/Post
  • Auto image size detection
  • Combo Image/Flash Mode
  • Localization

Which version of WordPress is supported?

WordPress 2.7.x to 3.2.x is currently supported. This plugin has not been tested on any versions before 2.7.

Where can I submit bug reports and feature requests?

You may submit feedback and bug reports via our feedback forum

1.1.6 – 7/19/11

  • Added background CSS option.
  • Added width 100% option.

1.1.5 – 9/14/09

  • Removed “logos” folder. You’ll need to create a new folder called “logos” inside wp-content folder. This is to fix the update deletion issue for new versions.
  • Fixed the promote setting
  • Updated Installation Instructions and Setup Information

1.1.4 – 6/14/09

  • Modified setup instructions and added info for editing the default WordPress theme

1.1.3 – 6/13/09

  • Updated the CSS for boxes to fix visual glitch in 2.8

1.1.2 – 4/26/09

  • Added logos folder, linking issue fixed
  • No longer need to make a logos folder

1.1.1 – 3/30/09

  • Added HLogoZ Logo
  • Updated backend design to match logo
  • Added Dropdown boxes for width and height to choose type of dimension property (px or em)
  • Added Dropdown box for Image class to choose id or class

1.1.0 – 3/22/09

  • Added Custom Holiday Feature
  • Fixed a time bug, offset now works properly
  • Fixed the extract bug that was causing an on screen error
  • Minor code cleanup

1.0.3 – 3/18/09

  • Default image bug fix

1.0.2 – 3/17/09

  • Some code clean up

1.0.1 – 3/15/09

  • Date and/or date ranges are now listed next to holidays

1.0.0 – 3/3/09

  • Initial Release
  1. Upload the “HLogoZ-WP” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Create a new folder named “logos” in the “/wp-content/” folder
  4. Upload the logos you would like to use in your new “logos” folder located in wp-content/logos/
  5. Click “Setting” tab and find a link to “HLogoZ-WP” options
  6. Fill out the options
  7. See additional setup information on the settings page


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1.6
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1
  • PHP version: false