Google Docs RSVP, WordPress Plugin

Google Docs RSVP, WordPress Plugin


This plugin allows you to add RSVP and guestlist functionality to your WordPress site. It tracks RSVPs for ceremony and banquet. Additionally, guests can leave custom messages for the planners. The guestlist is maintained with a Google Docs spreadsheet which is very easy to use.

It was originally designed to be a wedding guestlist that I made for a friend (congratulations to Mike & Di!).

Features Bulletlist:

  • Customizable RSVP page
  • Connects to Google Docs Spreadsheet for guestlist
  • Planners can write custom messages to guests
  • Guests can send custom message to planners
  • Email updates are sent to the planner
  • Wedding features: Records responses for Ceremony, Banquet, or Hotel Reservations

Known issue

Guest codes are not case sensitive.


  1. Using a Google account, create a new Spreadsheet at
  2. The spreadsheet must have the following 7 headers: Guest Name, Code, Custom Message for Guest, Ceremony, Banquet, Message from Guest, Hotel
  3. Fill in the guestlist with names, codes, and an optional custom message. Make sure the code is not guessable, for example: short numeric codes are probably a bad idea. A nosy guest might punch in random numbers and see guest information.
  4. Download, unzip, upload, and activate your plugin.
  5. In your WordPress site, go to “Settings->Google Docs RSVP” and follow the step-by-step instructions on the page, and fill in the other information (Google Docs title and sheet, etc.).
  6. Create a new wordpress Page and put the text: gdrsvp-googledocsrsvp in the content box. The plugin will replace it with the RSVP code.
  7. Now, guests can type in a code and fill out the reservation form, which will send an email to you and update the spreadsheet. Note: Once guests have filled out the form, their RSVP code is no longer usable.

Thank you! Good luck with your planning efforts. Remember to allow guests to contact you in other ways in case of digital emergencies.

We look forward to any comments. If there is a good response, we may incorporate your suggestions into the next version.

This code is released under GPLv3. If you create a new version of this plugin, let us know and we may link to it.


My plugin isn’t working

Check the homepage for a lot of comments and responses about how to fiddle
with this plugin, we have had a bit of discussion and help from other users.

Note that you are required to have PHP version 5. Sorry, the only solution right now is to use that version of PHP.

How do I change some of the text?

If you cannot change the text in the options page, you can change it in the source code (by editting wp-gdrsvp-plugin.php). This is not a very safe thing to do, but you could search the code for the words you want to change and fiddle around with it. This take familiarity with HTML and a little PHP.


Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Gifford Cheung, Brian Watanabe, Chongsun Ahn

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see

Working great on test data, wish there was more customization

By wongoz on November 4, 2016

Since this plugin hasn't been updated in some time, I was hesitant to use it. But after trying several other options and not quite getting what I wanted, I installed Google Docs RSVP. It took a little adventuring during the install, as the steps are not EXACTLY as described, but I managed to get it all working! Using test data, I've come to understand how the plugin works. It's pretty straightforward, and I think it does about 85% of what I am looking for, without too much hassle, and it works great with Google Sheets! Which is a big reason why I'm sticking with it. I was able to edit some of the text that shows up for the RSVP, going through the Plugin Editor... it's not for the faint of heart though; one wrong move and you could kill the plugin or even worse, your whole site. One thing I'd really like to see, if anyone is capable of coding this ASAP, is more customization (or showing me how to do it). I'd like to add or change questions, with different question types (radio, checkbox, multi-line text field, etc.). Specifically, I want to add questions for meals, food allergies and restrictions, kids/babies, etc. I'd be more than happy to donate a small amount to make this happen.

No longer working

By Sarah (sarahnev) on September 3, 2016

This is a very cool plugin but not often updated. As of July 2016 it doesn't work - there's an issue with the refresh tokens. Even though I built my website around Google Docs RSVP, I ended up using the plugin RSVP Pro instead, which has very similar functionality. (Both plugins use passcodes, although RSVP Pro does not integrate with Google Docs.)

  1. Create a google docs spreadsheet with the following 7 headers: Guest Name, Code, Custom Message for Guest, Ceremony, Banquet, Message from Guest, Hotel.
  2. Go to “Settings->Google Docs RSVP” to configure.
  3. Add the text: gdrsvp-googledocsrsvp in the content of your RSVP page.


4.3 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Last updated: 9 years ago
  • Active installations: 50
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 4.0.38
  • PHP version: false