404 Widget for Google
404 Widget for Google

404 Widget for Google

Dave McHale

– This plugin has been adopted! Please review the description below. –

A 404 page is what a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on your site (because they’ve clicked on a broken link, the page has been deleted or they’ve mistyped a URL).

While the standard 404 page can vary depending on your web host, it doesn’t usually provide the user with much useful information and users may just surf away from your site. Therefore, Google recommend creating a custom 404 page that provides the user with more information about your site and its content.

The Google 404 widget is a quick and easy way to embed a search box on your custom 404 page and provide users with useful information designed to help them find the information they need. Where it can, the Google widget will also suggest other ways for the user to find the information they need, thus increasing the likelihood that they’ll continue to explore your site.

For best results, you should set up a Google webmaster account and submit an XML sitemap of your blog to ensure the Google 404 widget works effectively.

Find out more here…


Currently the plugin outputs the Google 404 widget in US English by default, or tries to use the current WordPress language.
You can use the google_404_language filter to specify a different language code.

Also looking to add the possibility to change the appearance of the widget.

Please note

The Google 404 widget plugin is NOT a WordPress widget.
It is simply the term Google use to describe their enhanced 404 page script.

Adoption Story

This plugin was originally developed by Ben Huson and was adopted in September 2014 thanks to the adopt-me tag.

Coming Soon!

The ability to customize the CSS from an options page within the WordPress Admin area, attempt to dynamically inject the Google search box without needing to modify your template files, and more!

Currently no FAQs.

Recommended As A Replacement to Wordpress 404

By (gegan249) on September 3, 2016

I'm using Virtue and after creating a child theme, moved 404.php to my child theme (so it wouldn't be overwritten at a core update.) In place of Wordpresses `<?php get_search_form(); ?>' I replaced the plugin's Google 404 search bar and it worked perfectly. It's a better user experience.


  • Changing plugin name to avoid trademark violation
  • General code QoL updates
  • Added minimum PHP & WP requirements (5.3 & 4.4 respectively). CAUTION: Both of these will be updated in a future release, likely to 5.6 and 4.9


  • Initial release after adoption.
  • Updated docblock and readme file to remove adopt-me tag and reflect new ownership.
  • Added blank index.php
  • Added plugin icons for 4.0 support


  • Added ‘google_404_language’ filter.
  • Added ‘google_404_styles’ filter.


  • Added GPL License info.
  • Try to use current WordPress language before defaulting to English.
  • Moved all functionality into class.
  • Update styles.


  • Added documentation to read me file.


  • First release.

You should first set up a Google webmaster account and submit an XML sitemap of your site to ensure the Google 404 widget works effectively.

  1. Download the archive file and uncompress it.
  2. Put the “google-404” folder in “wp-content/plugins”
  3. Enable in WordPress by visiting the “Plugins” menu and activating it.
  4. Add the google404() function call to your 404.php template.

    if ( function_exists( ‘google404’ ) ) { google404(); }

You could also add this code to your theme’s index.php, single.php, image.php, archive.php and search.php below the HTML that is displayed if no posts are present (where you insert this may vary from theme to theme).

You may also use the google_404_styles and google_404_language filters for manually overriding the CSS values or language used by the Google 404 widget.


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.1
  • Last updated: 4 years ago
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 5.3.18
  • PHP version: 5.3