Give a Beer

Give a Beer

Ciprian Turcu

Widget that will enable visitors to give you/the site a virtual beer by clicking on the widget.

UPDATE: You can add a paypal link in widget settings under widgets and you can receive donations “for beer” from your visitors.

The widget is the image of a beer and the statistics of how many beers you received so far.
Once someone gave you a beer he/she must wait for other 3 persons to give a beer untill he/she can give again

Requires JavaScript Enabled (sends beer withouth page reload) or it will not work.

Warning! In order for the transparency to work in ie6 you must install Ie6 Png Fix plugin.

How do i place the widget where i want it to be?

Go in the admin panel under Appearance -> Widgets and place the widget in your desired sidebar, in a specific place.
(drag and drop if on wp 2.8) or drag and save if < wp 2.8


Small design issue + aligned to center


Other small design issue


Transparent image of the beer and text (check description for ie6 compatibility)


1.You can add paypal link (or any other link) to redirect once beer given (leave empty or delete it’s contents if you don’t want it to redirect)
2.Values are saved more compact into database – even less queries and database use…


  • Added a “Reset Beers” checkbox to restart beers from 0.
  • Changed script and style inclusion code

Upload the Give a Beer plugin to your blog(in the wp-content/plugins directory) (be sure to upload the “give-a-beer” directory or it will not work.

Activate it in the plugins menu in your wp-admin control panel and voila! you’re done!


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.6
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.3
  • Tested up to: 2.8.4
  • PHP version: false