


ggis-Subscribe gives authors an easy way to insert a form that performs emailing list subscription management. Simply add [-ggis-subscribe-] to your post and it will create an email list subscription management form. Depending on the settings and parameters you choose, it will insert either a short form, just an email address box with submit button or a full management form.


A subscription form may be inserted on a post, page, or text widget by including the following code in your text.

[-ggis-subscribe %formtype "%listname"-]

Here is an explanation of the fields:

  1. ggis-subscribe – identifies the code (required)
  2. formtype – identifies the form type

* 0, default – full subscription management form
* 1 – subscribe only form , requires “listname”
3. listname – identifies the list to include in a subscription only form

In a Widget?

A subscription form may be placed into the standard text widget using the methods above. For widget use, I suggest using only formtype=1, the short form.

Does ggis Subscibe support XXX mailing list server?

At this time, it only supports;

  1. ezmlm lists – subscribe by sending email to [email protected]
  2. mailman lists – subscribe by sending email to [email protected]

If you would like additional email server support, please submit a comment to that effect.

Can this be used to unsubscribe?

Yes, that is part of the full subscription management form.

How can I adjust the form’s appearance

You should be able to fully control your form’s appearance using CSS. The HTML output is fully embedded with CSS tags to make personalization easy. As an example:

input.ggis-subscribe-email { width:90%; }


  • FIX: Properly omit serialize and unserialize when used with WordPress’ get_option() and update_option(). See


  • FIX: WordPress function wp_mail() now requires body content. Plugin now insures body content.


  • UPDATE: Change mail function to use the WordPress function wp_mail()


  • NEW: Add Plugin Usage and Information to the admin options page
  • NEW: Add option that sets the form’s title
  • NEW: Add ability to use an alias in place of the list’s email address

Features and Requirements

  • WordPress 2.5 or greater
  • Designation of success page
  • An email list to subscribe to. Currently supports:
  1. ezmlm lists – subscribe by sending email to [email protected]
  2. mailman lists – subscribe by sending email to [email protected]
  1. Download and unzip the plugin
  2. Upload the ggis-subscribe to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Edit the ggis Subscribe options from the Settings menu.

* Add the email address of your mailing list. If you have more than one list, use commas between each address.
* If you prefer a nickname instead of the email address to show in the subscription form, precede the list address with the Nickname and a colon(:).
* Enter the URL of your thank you page (next page)
* Enter the URL of you main subscription management page.
+ Yes. Create and publish your subscription management first and then finish with your ggisSubscribe options.
5. Place [-ggis-subscribe-] in your posts.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 20
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1
  • PHP version: false