Fluency Admin

Fluency Admin

Dean Robinson

Fluency Admin give the WordPress admin interface a boost, with a new style and some cool features.

Features include:

  • Stylish dark-on-light colours
  • Hover activated sub-menus
  • Custom colour schemes
  • Customise WordPress with your logo
  • Access menus using ‘hot keys’

New in Fluency 3.2:

  • Complete rebuild.
  • Version number bump, not a feature but done for ‘clarity’ I’ll keep the Fluency version number in-sync with the core WordPress version number from now on.
  • The ‘Coffee’ and ‘Light’ colour schemes have been temporarily removed, I’d recommend using the custom colour option until I have time to re-implement them.
  • See changelog for full list of changes/additions

What browsers does this work in?

Fluency Admin has been tested in the latest versions of Safari, Firefox. Users of Internet Explorer may experience some display “issues” to to each browsers particular css-handling ability.

Only minimal Internet Explorer testing has been done, no compatibility guarantees. I may fix bugs where possible, if they are pointed out – some probably can’t be fixed.

Why doesn’t my plugin work with Fluency?

The majority of plugins should work without issue when Fluency is activated, however there are a few that don’t for one reason or another. If you come across a plugin that doesn’t play nice with Fluency please let me know so that I can address any issues in a future release.

Most common cause of a plugins incompatibility are highly custom admin pages, ie. those that don’t follow the standard WordPress admin design. In the majority of these cases its not particularly feasible for me to write a bunch of custom styles just to get them to play nice.

It’s worth noting that most issues that other plugins have are due to poorly designed/coded admin pages, some of these issues I can ‘hack’ around with css, but many should be fixed by the author of the plugin in question.

I’m using a version of WordPress other that 3.2.x and some things look weird, what can I do?

If you want to use Fluency 3.2 then you MUST be running WordPress 3.2 upgrading WordPress is easy and you should always do it.

If you are unable to upgrade for one reason or another then I would suggest downloading a previous version of Fluency, recommended versions are as follows:

  • Fluency 2.4 for WP3.1
  • Fluency 2.3 for WP3.0
  • Fluency 2.2 for WP2.9
  • Fluency 2.1 for WP2.8

How do I get support for plugin X to be added to Fluency?

Post something in the support forums here on WordPress.org or on my Help site (http://help.deanjrobinson.com/groups/fluency-admin/).

Please note that I will not test be testing commercial paid for plugins or those that require me to signup to some spam laden site just to download and/or use them.
Plugins that do not work with the latest version of WordPress will also not be tested.

What languages does Fluency Admin support?

Note: As Fluency 3.2 is a complete rebuild old translations won’t work, I will release updates as new translations are provided.

If you’re interested in supplying a new or updated translation for your language please get in contact, you’ll find the .pot file in the ‘languages’ folder to get you started.


  • Completely re-written CSS for WordPress 3.2 compatbility
  • Due to the substantial redesign of the default admin interface, Fluency now ‘changes’ less than it did previously
  • Hover keys are now indivcated by the underlined character in the menu
  • The ‘Coffee’ and ‘Light’ colour schemes have been temporarily removed, I’d recommend using the custom colour option until I have time to re-implement them.

There a couple of ways to install Fluency Admin on your WordPress blog.

First up, you can download it directly from the WordPress.org plugins directory, and install it by following these steps:

  1. Upload the whole fluency admin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Or, you can install it directory from the Admin section of your WordPress blog by following these steps:

  1. Under the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress select ‘Add New’
  2. Enter ‘Fluency Admin’ into the search box
  3. Choose the ‘install’ option on the right hand side of the Fluency Admin listing


1 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.2
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress version: 3.2
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1
  • PHP version: false