


Export all your posts to Fleeps instantly.

What data does Fleeps get access to?

Fleeps will get access to your WordPress articles and pages if you link this plugin to your Fleeps account.

You can find more information about how Fleeps processes your data here: https://fleeps.co/privacy

How do I use this plugin?

Everything is done automatically as long as you keep this plugin activated. Create a new post, edit an existing one or delete a post and it will always be synchronized.

How to uninstall the plugin?

Simply deactivate and delete the plugin.

Works well

By echappee06 on September 25, 2024

This plugin allows me to display all my blog posts on Fleeps, thank you !


  • Plugin released officially.


  • Added assets for WordPress Store.
  • Jump in the versions to match the version in our Git repository.


  • Fixed API endpoint to export posts.


  • Fixed deployment of latest plugin verion.
  1. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin.
  2. Enter your authentication token generated from your Fleeps account.
  3. All your posts will be automatically exported to Fleeps database.
  4. Keep this plugin activated so that your posts are synchronized with Fleeps.


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1.9
  • Last updated: 8 months ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5
  • PHP version: 7.4