Fitr Theme Options

Fitr Theme Options


Fitr Theme Options helps theme designers to make a diverse and rich option page for their themes easily.
It provides variety of default options and helps blog owners to design their own themes.

  • The plugin automatically sets up custom header image for the theme.
  • Users can easily change backgrounds, fonts, sizes, text colors, borders, etc….
  • The plugin can automatically make theme Right to Left.
  • Theme author can define unlimited different styles for the theme easily.
  • Theme author can add custom fields to option page. FTO currently supports text, checkbox, dropdown menu, category menu, page list, radio buttons and text area.
  • It’s plugginable. So imagine a set of new plugins that extends your theme abilities (e.g. random header, style rotator, etc…).
  • Built-in support for WordPress Default Theme (Kubrick).

Note: To test the plugin please use WordPress default theme.

Are you a theme author?

Add all of these features to your theme withine minute! Visit plugin URL to learn more.

I’m a Theme designer how can I add your plugin support to my theme?

Simply! Just copy and paste this code in your functions.php. Replace Kubrick CSS elements with your theme elements.

if ( function_exists(‘register_fitr_theme_options’) ) {
‘blogtitle’=>’#headerimg h1’,
‘blogdescription’=>’#headerimg .description’,
‘header_background’=>’#headerimg’, //Maybe for background color, background image or logo. It’s require to enter width and height for image and logo.
‘headerimg_path’=>’images/kubrickheader.jpg’, //Default header image e.g. ‘images/header.jpg’
‘headerimg_width’=>’760’, //pixel
‘container’=>’#page’, //Main blog div e.g. .wrap .maincol or #page
‘menubar’=>”, //Menu container e.g. #menu or #nav
‘menuli_bg’=>”, //e.g. #nav ul li span
‘menuli_bghover’=>”, //Separate with comma(,) e.g. #nav li:hover, .current_page
‘menuli_a’=>”, //Add a
‘postbox’=>’.post’, //Post container includes title, content, etc
‘posttitle’=>’.post h2,.post h3′,
‘postmeta’=>’.narrowcolumn .postmetadata’,
‘date’=>’.post small’,
‘widgettitle’=>’#sidebar ul li h2’,
‘widgetbox’=>’#sidebar ul li’,
‘widgetli_a’=>’#sidebar ul li ul li a’, //Add a

If you want that users without Fitr Theme Options can use your option page you should copy FTO directory to your theme directory and add this line to functions.php


All done!

Continue reading to add more features to your theme.

How can I define different styles for my theme?

You can define different styles with register_fitr_theme_style( $name, $path, $screenshot ). For example:

if (function_exists(register_fitr_theme_style)) {

The chosen style will be saved in fto_settings option (fto_impot_style key). For example:

if (‘styles/green.css’ == $settings[‘fto_import_style’])
echo “You love green!”;

How can I add more option field to FTO page?

There is another great feature in Fitr Theme Option. You can add custom fields to option page using fto_add_custom_field( $name, $type, $desc, $options=” ). $type can be: text, checkbox, number, color, textarea, dropdown, cat or page. $options is necessary for ‘dropdown’ and ‘radio’ types. Separate options with ‘|’.
As above the value will be saved in fto_setteings option. For example:

fto_add_custom_field(‘welcome_text’, ‘text’, ‘Type some thing as welcome message’);
fto_add_custom_field(‘layout’,’dropdown’,’Choose your blog layout’,’One Column|Two Columns’);

You can get selected style with fto_settings option.

if (‘Two Columns’ == $settings[‘layout’]) //layout is field name

What more?

After adding codes you should test your theme. If your theme does not appear correctly for a certain item (for example blog title align) You can easily fix the problem via CSS and PHP (Use fto_settings option).


  • Bugs fixed.
  • New: Different styles.
  • NEW: Custom fields.


  • First Version.

While doing the installation procedure, it is recommended to go through all the steps first before viewing the output. If you don’t, you’ll get nasty error messages.

  1. Upload folder content to the /wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress backend
  3. Go to ‘Appearance’ menu, then to ‘Fitr Theme Options’.
  4. Save your changes.


  • Disable the Fitr Theme Options plugin
  • Delete folder from your server
  • Download and unzip the new files into the plugins dir


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 2.9.2
  • PHP version: false