


This plugin will take any rss feed available from YouTube and display/embed a list of those videos in the rss feed. Currently in development for PHP4, and therefore without using any of the xml functions in PHP5 or needing to have PEAR installed on your sever. You also do not need a YouTube API developers ID.

How do I use FeedTube?

You need to insert the [feedtube] token into any page or post. The paramaters are as follows (default in bold):

  • feed – any rss feed from YouTube (ex:http://www.youtube.com/rss/user/username/videos.rss)
  • limit – 20 (20 is the maximum)
  • style – player or noplayer (embed the first video in the feed)
  • showtitle – y or n (show video title?)
  • showdate – y or n (show date added to YouTube?)
  • showuser – y or n (show user byline?)

A sample token may look like this:

[feedtube feed=’http://www.youtube.com/rss/user/youtube/videos.rss’ limit=’5′ style=’noplayer’ showuser=’n’]

  1. Upload feedtube folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place optional widget in your sidebar in the ‘Presentation’->’Widgets’ menu in WordPress. (not currently available)


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.2
  • Last updated: 16 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.5
  • PHP version: false