Fee recovery for GiveWP
Fee recovery for GiveWP

Fee recovery for GiveWP


The Fee recovery for GiveWP plugin provides donors with the choice to cover the payment fees associated with their donations made through a donation form on the website. By using this plugin, website owners or non-profit organizations can offer an additional option to donors, allowing them to assume the processing expenses of the transaction.

Key Features

  1. Fee Cover Option: The plugin adds an optional field to the donation form, enabling donors to decide whether they want to cover the payment processing fees or not;

  2. Transparent Fee Calculation: When donors choose to cover the fees, the plugin automatically calculates the exact amount required to cover the transaction costs, ensuring transparency and accurate calculations;

  3. Customizable Messaging: Website owners can customize the messaging displayed to donors, explaining the purpose and benefits of the fee cover option;

  4. Multiple Payment Gateways: The plugin is compatible with popular payment gateways, ensuring a seamless integration with the existing donation process.

By integrating the Fee recovery for GiveWP plugin into their WordPress site, organizations can empower donors with the choice to contribute more effectively, enabling them to support the cause with full transparency and control over the donation process.


This plugin needs the GiveWP plugin to work.

User instructions

  1. Go to GiveWP settings menu;

  2. Search for the tab ‘fee recovery’;

  3. Define the fees and enable the plugin;

  4. Save. And now the Fee recovery for GiveWP plugin is working in all donation forms.

Can I require the donor to cover the fees on donation?

The donor can choose if it will cover the payment fees for the donation or not, the option to cover the fees for the payment is not a requirement.

Is there a option to have different fees for each payment gateway?

Not in the free version. We have this option and more in our Fee recovery PRO plugin, you can aquire it here.

Can I define the fee option for each donation form?

Not in the free version. We have this option and more in our Fee recovery PRO plugin, you can aquire it here.


* Fix security issues with plugin;
* Fix internationalization.


* Remove security vulnerabilities;
* Compatibility with WordPress 6.4;
* Update license with GPLv3.


* Plugin percent fee option now accept float values;
* After the checkbox is marked the total amount is updated with fees;
* Dinamically change the currency symbol;
* Adds compatibility with any currency;
* Fixed a bug in fee calculation for numbers in the thousands.


* Plugin Launch.

  1. Upload fee-recovery-for-givewp.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1.2
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 30
  • WordPress version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.4