This is a modified version (under the MIT License) of a plugin originally developed by Tierra Innovation for

This plugin extends the HTML functionalify of the WordPress kses.php file, which states the allowable HTML that the post/page content editor will accept. It allows the site administrator to check pre-defined HTML tags that can also be allowed via the editor. Tags include: object, embed, param, iframe, map and extensions have been added to the div and img tags.

Keep in mind, that by checking a tag, you are making it acceptable to post said HTML and save it. If your users also post content, it is important that you make sure you are not enabling any malicious HTML from wreaking havoc to your environment. If there is a tag that is missing or that you would like us to add and support, feel free to leave a comment in our support area for this plugin.

What tags are currently supported?

  1. div tag extended to allow for id child tag.
  2. embed tag is now fully supported, including the following children tags: style, type, id, height, width, src and the entire object tag (including children).
  3. iframe tag is now fully supported, including the following children tags: width, height, frameborder, scrolling, marginheight, marginwidth and src.
  4. img tag extended to allow for usemap child tag.
  5. map tag is now fully supported, including the following children tags: name and id
  6. object tag is now fully supported, including the following children tags: style, height, width, the entire param tag (including children) and the entire embed tag (including children).
  7. param tag is now fully supported, including the following children tags: name and value
  8. pre tag now fully supports Google Syntax Highlighter, including the following children tags: style, ‘name’, ‘class’, ‘lang’ and ‘width’

Need more help? Support


Added additional image map support

  1. Upload extend-kses to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Check the boxes next to the HTML tag you wish to enable and click save options
  4. Paste HTML code into the HTML version – NOT the visual version – of the post/page editor and save.


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  • Version: 2.3
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 20
  • WordPress version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 3.0.5
  • PHP version: false