Esri Map View
Esri Map View

Esri Map View

John Foster

This Esri maps plugin enables you to display Esri/ArcGIS maps or scenes with shortcodes. Select a basemap, set an initial viewpoint, add your custom layers, show information in a pop-up, and more. Or start with a pre-configured web map or web scene. You can also add a search widget to the map.

This is based on the custom web component esri-map-view.


  • Use Esri’s world-renowned authoritative map services in your WordPress blog.
  • Select from any Esri basemap.
  • Set an initial viewpoint and zoom level.
  • Add a marker and pop-up to the initial viewpoint.
  • Add a search widget to your map or scene.
  • Display map on posts/pages using the WordPress shortcode syntax.
  • Set your map height and width.
  • Set map zoom level.

This plugin uses a 3rd party service provided by Esri. No personal identifiable information or telemetry data is recorded. Esri takes the responsibility to protect your privacy seriously. Esri holds itself to the highest national and international standards, including Privacy Shield certification and GDPR compliance. View the privacy policy.


  1. On any page or post, add a new block, then select [/] shortcode.
  2. Use either esri-map-view or esri-scene-view shortcode, as follows. All attributes except height are optional.


[esri-map-view height="900px" basemap="arcgis/imagery" viewpoint="13.3761697,52.5166449,15" layers="d3e5c29f5e404aa4b2de29a9f0e37996" search="top-right" symbol="pin:red" symboloffset="0,0" popuptitle="Brandenburg Gate" popupinfo="This is a historic place you should visit" apikey="YOUR_API_KEY"][/esri-map-view]
  • esri-map-view opening shortcode tag for a 2D map.
  • height: indicate the height you want for your map. You must provide a height. The width will automatically scale to the full page width of your page or post.
  • apikey: include your API key to authenticate service requests with ArcGIS services.
  • basemap: indicate the basemap style you want to use. Select from available basemap styles. This is optional and will default to osm/standard. This attribute is ignored if webmap is set.
  • webmap: select an ArcGIS web map item ID. If this is provided the basemap attribute is ignored.
  • viewpoint: Indicate an initial viewpoint to focus the map. This is a string of 3 comma-separated numbers expected: latitude (y), longitude (x), and levelOfDetail (LOD). Example: “22.7783,34.1234,9”. You should set this if you set a basemap. You do not need to set this if you set webmap as the web map’s initial viewpoint would be used. If you do set viewpoint and webmap then this setting will override the initial viewpoint of the web map.
  • layers: Select layers to add on top of the map using either full URL to the feature service on an ArcGIS server (must be public) or the ArcGIS Online item ID of a public layer. Multiple layers are separated with comma ,.
  • symbol: Indicate a symbol to use to mark the location of the initial viewpoint. This is the fully qualified URL to a 64×64 px PNG image. CORS is respected when accessing the image. You can also specify green-pin to use a green map pin as the symbol.
  • popupinfo: If symbol is set, tapping the image will show a pop-up. This is the content for that pop-up.
  • popuptitle: If symbol is set, tapping the image will show a pop-up. This is the title for that pop-up.
  • search: Include a search widget by indicating where on the map view it should appear. The valid values for this attribute are top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. If this attribute is empty/missing or an invalid value then a search widget will not show.
  • [/esri-map-view]: Closing tag is required. Do not forget the closing tag!


[esri-scene-view height="900px" basemap="arcgis/imagery" viewpoint="13.3761697,52.5166449,15" layers="d3e5c29f5e404aa4b2de29a9f0e37996" search="top-right" symbol="pin:red" symboloffset="0,0" popuptitle="Brandenburg Gate" popupinfo="This is a historic place you should visit" apikey="YOUR_API_KEY"][/esri-scene-view]
  • esri-scene-view opening shortcode tag for a 3D globe.
  • height: indicate the height you want for your map. You must provide a height. The width will automatically scale to the full page width of your page or post.
  • apikey: include your API key to authenticate service requests with ArcGIS services.
  • basemap: indicate the basemap style you want to use. Select from available basemap styles. This is optional and will default to osm/standard. This attribute is ignored if webmap is set.
  • webscene: select an ArcGIS web scene item ID. If this is provided the basemap attribute is ignored.
  • cameraposition: Indicate the camera position for the initial scene viewpoint. This is a string of five comma separated numbers as follows: x,y,z,heading,tilt. If you set this it will override viewpoint settings.
  • viewpoint: Indicate an initial viewpoint to focus the map. This is a string of 3 comma-separated numbers expected: latitude (y), longitude (x), and levelOfDetail (LOD). Example: “22.7783,34.1234,9”. You should set this if you set a basemap. You do not need to set this if you set webscene as the web scene’s initial viewpoint is used. However, this setting will override the web scenes initial viewpoint. The viewpoint is not used if cameraPosition is also set. For 3D scenes, the level of detail is translated into a 3D camera position height of Z-axis position.
  • layers: Select layers to add on top of the map using either full URL to the feature service on an ArcGIS server (must be public) or the ArcGIS Online item ID of a public layer. Multiple layers are separated with comma ,.
  • symbol: Indicate a symbol to use to mark the location of the initial viewpoint. This is the fully qualified URL to a 64×64 px PNG image. CORS is respected when accessing the image. You can also specify green-pin to use a green map pin as the symbol.
  • popupinfo: If symbol is set, tapping the image will show a pop-up. This is the content for that pop-up.
  • popuptitle: If symbol is set, tapping the image will show a pop-up. This is the title for that pop-up.
  • search: Include a search widget by indicating where on the map view it should appear. The valid values for this attribute are top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. If this attribute is empty/missing or an invalid value then a search widget will not show.
  • [/esri-scene-view]: Closing tag is required. Do not forget the closing tag!


MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 John Foster

How do I get an API key?

If you do not have an ArcGIS account, sign up for free at ArcGIS Location Platform and then follow the instructions to create an API key.

Version 1.2.2 – 25-Sep-2024

  • Corrected some issues with the documentation.
  • Update README.

Version 1.2.1 – 20-Sep-2024

  • Upgrade component [email protected]
  • Upgrade dependencies, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript version 4.30.
  • Adds ArcGIS API key support.
  • Update README.

Version 1.0.2 – 07-Jan-2020

  • Initial release.
  1. Download the plugin archive and unzip it.
  2. Copy the esri-map-view plugin folder to your WordPress /wp-content/plugins/ folder. There should now be a new folder named /wp-content/plugins/esri-map-view/.
  3. Log in to WordPress and go to Plugins.
  4. Find the esri-map-view plugin and click Activate Plugin.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2.2
  • Last updated: 1 week ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.0