Envision Blocks – Unique Elementor Widgets & Addons.
Envision Blocks – Unique Elementor Widgets & Addons.

Envision Blocks – Unique Elementor Widgets & Addons.


Introducing Envision Blocks, a collection of creative and unique Elementor widgets and addons designed to enhance your website. With over 16 free Elementor widgets at your disposal, you have the power to customize and optimize your site to your heart’s content. Plus, you can easily switch off any widgets that you don’t need, improving your site’s performance and loading speed. Elevate your website with Envision Blocks today!

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Why Choose Envision Blocks?

  • Modern and User friendly design
  • Creative widgets not available in other addon plugins
  • Unique animations, sliders and parallax effects
  • Turn off unused widgets for improved performance
  • Dark mode ready (Pro)
  • Works with Elementor free

Envision Blocks Free Widgets

  1. Animated Text – display creative headlines with typing animation text.
  2. Before & After – show a comparison between two images, one before and one after.
  3. Contact Form 7 – display a Contact Form 7 to stay in touch with your users.
  4. Graph – display and visualize data in the form of a graph or chart.
  5. Google Maps – advanced Google Map with multiple skins.
  6. Hero Slider – showcase content with a background image or video in a sliding carousel.
  7. Hotspot – add interactive hotspots on images.
  8. Icon Box – icon alongside text to highlight key features or services.
  9. Testimonials Feed – display a masonry grid feed of customer video testimonials.
  10. MailChimp Form – display MailChimp forms to collect subscribers.
  11. Marquee – scroll text or images horizontally or vertically.
  12. Parallax – creative parallax scrolling effect with background image.
  13. Posts – display a list or slider of blog posts with featured post.
  14. Vertical Tabs – display vertical tabs in a tabbed content for easy navigation.
  15. Video Lightbox – play button that opens YouTube or Vimeo videos in a popup lightbox when clicked.
  16. Share Buttons – allow users to share a post or a page.

Premium Widgets

  1. Creative Cards Carousel – display a carousel with background image or video and cards.
  2. Creative Cursor – creative cursor with captivating animation effect.
  3. Dark Mode – dark color scheme toggle for your website.
  4. Expanding Cards – expand and reveal image content on hover.
  5. Interactive Quiz – allow your users to take interactive quizzes on the website.
  6. Image Hover Menu – display an image when hovering over a menu.
  7. Menu Icon – search, shopping cart, account, and wishlist icons.
  8. Menu Photo Reveal – full screen images that reveal when hovering over a menu items.
  9. Nav Menu – create a navigation menu for your website.
  10. Site Logo – displays your website’s logo.
  11. Sticky Scroll Section – keep a section of content visible even when scrolling.
  12. Offcanvas – create an off-canvas menu or content panel.
  13. Parallax Carousel – a widget that combines the parallax effect with a carousel of images or content.
  14. Post Title – dynamically shows the title of the current blog post or custom post type.
  15. Post Navigation – links to navigate between previous and next posts.
  16. Portfolio – showcase your projects with an Ajax filter and load more pagination.
  17. Table – present and group information in a beautiful table.
  18. Testimonials Slider – display customer testimonials in a sliding format.

WooCommerce Widgets

  1. Woo Products – display products from your WooCommerce store.
  2. Woo Product Categories – display product categories from your WooCommerce store.
  3. Woo Product Image – show the product image from your WooCommerce store.
  4. Woo Product Title – display the title of a product from your WooCommerce store.
  5. Woo Product Price – show the price of a product from your WooCommerce store.
  6. Woo Product Add To Cart – show add to cart from your WooCommerce store.
  7. Woo Product Short Description – display a short description of a product from your WooCommerce store.
  8. Woo Product Tabs – display product tabs from your WooCommerce store.
  9. Woo Product Related – showcase related products from your WooCommerce store.
  10. Woo Product Rating – display the rating of a product from your WooCommerce store.
  11. Woo Product Stock – show the stock availability of a product from your WooCommerce store.
  12. Woo Product Additional Information – display additional information about a product from your WooCommerce store.
  13. Woo Product Meta – show meta information about a product from your WooCommerce store.
  14. Woo Product Upsell – suggest upsell products from your WooCommerce store.
  15. Woo Product Notices – display notices related to a product from your WooCommerce store.
  16. Woo Product Breadcrumb – show the breadcrumb navigation for a product from your WooCommerce store.

Premium Features

  • Dark Mode
  • Starter Sites
  • Header & Footer builder
  • WooCommerce product builder
  • Mega Menu builder
  • Elementor templates
  • Custom fonts
  • ACF Pro included


Envision Blocks, Copyright 2024, DeoThemes https://deothemes.com
Envision Blocks plugin is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

Use of 3rd Party or External Services

This plugin utilizes the following 3rd party services to enable sharing functionalities. Below is a list of the services, the purpose they serve, and the relevant links to their terms of use and privacy policies.

Facebook, URL: https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php, Terms of Use: https://www.facebook.com/terms.php, Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

Twitter, URL: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet, Terms of Use: https://twitter.com/en/tos, Privacy Policy: https://twitter.com/en/privacy

Threads, URL: https://www.threads.net/intent/post, Terms of Use: https://www.threads.net/tos, Privacy Policy: https://www.threads.net/privacy

Linkedin, URL: https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle, Terms of Use: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/user-agreement, Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Pinterest, URL: https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button, Terms of Use: https://policy.pinterest.com/en/terms-of-service, Privacy Policy: https://policy.pinterest.com/en/privacy-policy

Reddit, URL: https://www.reddit.com/submit, Terms of Use: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement, Privacy Policy: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/privacy-policy

VK, URL: https://vk.com/share.php, Terms of Use: https://vk.com/terms, Privacy Policy: https://vk.com/privacy

Odnoklassniki, URL: https://connect.ok.ru/offer, Terms of Use: https://ok.ru/help/7/terms, Privacy Policy: https://ok.ru/help/3/privacy

Tumblr, URL: http://tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool
– Terms of Use: https://www.tumblr.com/policy/en/terms-of-service
– Privacy Policy: https://www.tumblr.com/policy/en/privacy

Telegram, URL: https://t.me/share/url, Terms of Use: https://telegram.org/tos, Privacy Policy: https://telegram.org/privacy

Pocket, URL: https://getpocket.com/save, Terms of Use: https://getpocket.com/tos, Privacy Policy: https://getpocket.com/privacy

Xing, URL: https://www.xing.com/spi/shares/new, Terms of Use: https://www.xing.com/terms, Privacy Policy: https://privacy.xing.com/en/privacy-policy

WhatsApp, URL: https://www.whatsapp.com/send, Terms of Use: https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/terms-of-service, Privacy Policy: https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/privacy-policy

Use of Google Maps API Integration

This plugin utilizes the Google Maps API to provide mapping and location services. Below is the relevant information including the purpose, URL for the API, and links to Google’s terms of use and privacy policy.

Google Maps API
– Purpose: Provide mapping and location services
– URL: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api
– Terms of Use: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms
– Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

Does it work with all WordPress themes?

Yes, it works with all WordPress themes. However, the plugin is more optimized and inherits styles from the EnvisionX theme.

Does it work with free version of Elementor?

Yes, it works with free version of Elementor.

Version 1.3 – September 21, 2024
– Added: New Startup Demo
– Added: Vertical Tabs new Tab style
– Added: Contact Form 7 widget
– Added: Ability to set border radius for Google map widget
– Improved: The Project Tabs widget has been renamed to Vertical Tabs for better clarity
– Fixed: Video Lightbox not loading in some cases

Version 1.2 – September 17, 2024
– Added: Ability to edit link colors for text editor widget
– Added: Ability to display product categories in product loop
– Fixed: Remove duplicate affiliate admin notice
– Fixed: Deprecated Waypoints dependency in Google maps widget
– Fixed: Wishlist icon Ajax counter
– Improved: Woo styling of account and login pages
– Improved: Load Woo styles conditionally based on page
– Improved: WP_Query replaced with WC_Product_Query in Woo widgets for better performance
– Improved: Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce and HPOS

Version 1.1 – August 26, 2024
– Added: New Table widget

Version 1.0.1 – August 23, 2024
– Fixed: Show default image in the marquee widget if no dark image provided
– Fixed: Refactor marquee widget logic for proper calculation

Version 1.0.0 – August 21, 2024
– Initial release

  1. Activate the plugin. Make sure that Elementor plugin is installed.
  2. Edit any page or template with Elementor.
  3. Drag and drop Envision Blocks widgets on the page and edit if needed.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.3
  • Last updated: 2 weeks ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.0