Emo Vote

Emo Vote


Emo Vote let’s you encourage your users by letting them express their feelings by “emoting” rather than voting.
Emoting is a fairly simple activity, just press the button that describes your feeling towards the post you
just read.

Thanks to Mindpark and especially Joakim Jardenberg
for sponsoring the development of this plugin. Without you this plugin wouldn’t exist.

A few features listed below:

  • Choose your own labels for each button.
  • Drag ‘n drop the buttons in your own order.
  • Choose a unqiue question for each post, using WordPress custom fields, see FAQ for details.
  • The buttons are fully customizeable using CSS.
  • “Emote” by RSS.
  • Sidebar widget.
  • Emo Vote uses the same localization technique as the well-known function comments_popup_link(). Just replace the parameters according to your current locale, <?php emo_vote_display('No votes','One vote','% votes'); ?>.

I want to encourage my users even more by adding a question or statement before the emoting options

This is possible using WordPress built-in custom fields. Add a field with the name emo-vote and choose value.
The value can be unique for each post.

The buttons looks like crappy blue squares in Internet Explorer 6

How about upgrading your browser? Just kidding, some unlucky ones are still stuck with IE6.
I would recommend TwinHelix’s PNGFix.
Place iepngfix.htc and blank.gif files in your webroot and add behavior: url(/iepngfix.htc); to the #input_0-#input_4 elements
inside your emo-vote.css file.

I don’t get any callback after emoting

Some might experience a lack of callback after emoting. In other words, the new values aren’t sent back as they should.
The callback is using the PHP function json_encode() to easily parse the callback with JavaScript. JSON was first introduced
in PHP 5.2. Check your current installed version of PHP and ask your host kindly to upgrade if you’re using an older version than 5.2.

The sidebar widget isn’t up-to-date

The info shown in the widget is begin cached for 15 minutes to reduce the number of SQL-queries.
So there’s no need to panic.



  • Added belorussian translation thanks to ilyuha.
  • Added russian translation thanks to Fatcow.
  1. Download the plugin zip file.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Upload the emo-vote/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  5. Navigate to Settings > Emo Vote and customize it as you wish.
  6. Place <?php if (function_exists('emo_vote_display')) emo_vote_display('No votes', '1 vote', '% votes'); ?> (localize the strings be replacing the parameters according to your current locale) in your template, for instance in index.php and single.php.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.2.2
  • Last updated: 13 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 2.8
  • PHP version: false