


EasyPermGals is based on EasyGals by Walter Vos. Where easygals allows you to manually activate the automatic gallery feature on a per-post/per-Page basis, EasyPermGals does this automatically. Each and every post or Page is checked for attached images which are then displayed in a neat gallery underneath. Lightbox, if installed, may be used to view the full-size images.

After a feature request, I added the option to switch between manual and automatic thumbnail attachment. This allows you to define, exactly where the thumbnails are supposed to be embedded.

May 3, 2010 – Version 1.9.2

  • Added a [noeasypermgals] option. Now, if you want to use the full-auto feature but turn it OFF for a reason, you can put this code anywhere in your post’s or Page’s content and the gallery won’t display.

December 24, 2009 – Version 1.9.1

  • Thanks to Frank for pointing out an error due to incorrect encoding of the file. Should now be fixed.

December 22, 2009 – Version 1.9

  • Added No-Tooltip as option. My solution to prevent ugly mouse-over tooltips did not work with all lightbox installations so I made it optional.
  • Tested with WP 2.9

Febuary 18, 2009 – Version 1.8.1

  • removed the “title” tags for the header and thumbnail images. A lot of users mass-upload and end up with weird titles in their pictures, which don’t look pretty when you get those yellow tooltips.
  • added width and height to the header image since one of my own themes didn’t like not knowing image dimensions ๐Ÿ™‚
  • realized I need to rewrite the whole thing. It’s totally inefficient and has numerous bugs, like when you have a header image attached, it will still output the “before” and “after” stuff you can set in the options. If this is bothering anyone, please donate. Donations motivate me to fix things ๐Ÿ˜‰

November 25, 2008 – Version 1.8

  • more template tags. I previously loaded the full size image and displayed it in a reduced size … now you can extract the medium sized pic as well.

  • some bugfixes, like the missing border=0 definitions in the image tags etc.

October 27, 2008 – Version 1.7

  • template tag with options … I needed header thumbnails ๐Ÿ™‚

October 27, 2008 – Version 1.62

  • Needed to call the header without the img tags, so I added a template function. This allows me to resize it to whatever I need, use as background image or whatever.
  • Some other bugfix, I forgot what it was

September 7, 2008 – Version 1.6.1

  • Found a major bug that caused malfunction when using [easypermgal] or [nogal] in the non-full-auto-mode. Works now.

August 28, 2008, later in the evening – Version 1.6

  • Added the ability to use easypermgals in your themes. will return the list of thumbnails, will give you the header image. Actually per request from Sรถren

August 28, 2008 – Version 1.5

  • Added the possibility to use [header] or [exclude] in the image title to make the image not show up automatically. The plan is to make EasyPermGals add an image that is titled with a [header] bit to show up above the post

August 19, 2008 – Version 1.4

  • Was missing image titles, captions and descriptions … lightbox now shows captions

April 24, 2008 – Version 1.3

  • Added the option to switch between manual and automatic mode.

April 11, 2008 – Version 1.2

  • Admin options extended. You can now set the separating character as well as the bit of code that you may need to add before and after the EasyPermGals container.
  • Also made the options menu prettier

April 10, 2008 – Version 1.1

  • made EasyPermGals compatible with WordPress 2.5
  • EasyPermGals now returns null if no image attachments exist
  • released it to the world.

Installation is simple:

  1. Download EasyPermGals
  2. Unzip
  3. upload easypermgals.php to yoursite/wp-content/plugins directory
  4. activate
  5. customize (optional)

In Full-Auto mode, EasyPermGals appends all thumbnails to the end of the post, unless it finds the [easypermgals] tag, which is then used for positioning. Use [noeasypermgals] if you want to prevent the gallery from showing up. In manual mode, use [easypermgals] to insert the gallery in your post or Page or when you’re using functions in theme files.

You can now control the display of images: use [exclude] anywhere in the image title to exclude (duh!) this pic from being shown in the gallery. This is for images that you need inside your content, like buttons, smileys and what not. Use [header] in the image title to set an image as a header. This will place the image right at the beginning of your content, normally this is underneath the headline. In manual mode, you can use various template tags to call this header pic.

New: Template tags:

<?php easypermgals_thumbs(); ?> 

This is for manually embedding the thumbnail gallery in a certain part of your theme.

<?php easypermgals_header(); ?> 

Extracts the image that you have tagged with a [header] in it’s title. Check out http://www.mores.cc for a beautiful way to do this

<?php easypermgals_header_pure(); ?> 

In case you do not need the <img tag around the actual image source … normally for using as div backgrounds or adjusting the size etc.

<?php easypermgals_header_med(); ?> 

This is the medium sized thumbnail that WordPress auto-generates. The beauty of this image is that it keeps it’s aspect ratio, unlike the thumbnail which gets cropped or squished.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.9.2
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 2.0.2
  • Tested up to: 2.9.2
  • PHP version: false