Easy Slider

Easy Slider allows you to create stunning sliders with ease, fully integrated into the Gutenberg editor. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, you can create a variety of sliders to enhance the visual appeal of your website.

Transition Types and Speed

Easy Slider offers two transition types: slide and fade. The transition speed can be customized to suit your preferences, allowing you to control the pace of your slider.

Autoplay with Optional Pause/Play Button and Spinner

Easy Slider allows you to set your slider to autoplay, with the option to include a pause/play button and spinner. This feature enables you to create an interactive and engaging experience for your visitors.

Mobile Swipe

Easy Slider is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, allowing your visitors to swipe through your slider on their mobile devices. This feature ensures that your slider looks great on all devices, providing an optimal user experience.

Create Single Slides with Standard Gutenberg Blocks

Easy Slider allows you to create single slides using standard Gutenberg blocks. This feature enables you to create a variety of slides, including image and text-based slides, using the familiar Gutenberg block editor.

Create Multiple Slides with a Query (Query Posts, Pages, or Custom Post Types)

Easy Slider also allows you to create multiple slides using a query. You can query posts, pages, or custom post types to create a dynamic and engaging slider that showcases your content. This feature is ideal for creating sliders that display a selection of blog posts, products, or other content types.

* Fully integrated into Gutenberg
* Transition types: slide and fade
* Transition speed
* Autoplay with slider speed / optional pause/play button and spinner
* Mobile swipe
* Create single slides with standard Gutenberg blocks
* Create multiple slides with a query (query posts, pages or custom post types)
* Masks for top and bottom of slider
* Completely free

Will there be any FAQ?

Yes, let’s see what you want to know. 🙂


  • Renamed some CSS-Classes to avoid problems


  • Fix: backend – sanitize input transition speed – 0ms wrecked autoplay
  • Fix: backend – error on deleting all digits from UnitControls
  • Fix: backend – rare slide flickering after transition


  • Fix: textdomain (for translation)


  • Release
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/easy-slider directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.9.4
  • Last updated: 3 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 6.5
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2