ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts
ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts

ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts

Boyd Duang

ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to increase user engagement, improve SEO, and enhance content discovery on your website. With its advanced algorithms and user-friendly interface, ERRP takes your content strategy to the next level.

Key Features:

  • Intelligent content matching for highly relevant related posts
  • Advanced randomization for serendipitous content discovery
  • SEO-friendly implementation to boost your site’s search engine performance
  • Customizable display options to match your site’s aesthetics
  • Responsive design for seamless mobile integration
  • Performance-optimized with smart caching mechanisms
  • Easy-to-use shortcodes for flexible implementation
  • Multi-language support with translation-ready strings

Whether you’re a blogger looking to keep visitors on your site longer, an e-commerce store wanting to showcase more products, or a news site aiming to increase page views, ERRP provides the tools you need with the simplicity you desire.

Quick Example:
[errp_enhanced_posts type=”related” layout=”grid” show_image=”true” show_excerpt=”true”]

This shortcode will display related posts in a grid layout with featured images and excerpts.

If you find this plugin useful, consider supporting its development:
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Your support helps maintain and improve ERRP for the entire WordPress community!


For plugin development, bug reports, and feature requests, visit the GitHub repository.


This plugin is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.

How do I display related or random posts on my website?

You can use either of these shortcodes to display related or random posts in your content:
* [errp_easy_related_random_posts] (legacy shortcode)
* [errp_enhanced_posts] (new shortcode)

Simply add the shortcode to the content editor where you want the posts to appear. For example:
[errp_enhanced_posts type=”random” limit=”5″ layout=”list”]

Can I customize the appearance and behavior of the related or random posts section?

Absolutely! You can customize various aspects of the plugin through the “ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts” settings page, including:
* Headline text
* Number of posts to display
* Display type (related or random posts)
* Layout (list or grid)
* Image and excerpt options
* Caching behavior for optimal performance

How does ERRP help with SEO?

ERRP enhances your site’s SEO by:
* Improving internal linking structure
* Increasing time on site and reducing bounce rates
* Enhancing content discovery, making more of your posts visible to search engines
* Using SEO-friendly HTML markup for post suggestions

Is the plugin compatible with my theme and other plugins?

ERRP is designed to be compatible with most WordPress themes and plugins. It uses WordPress core functions and follows best practices to ensure wide compatibility. However, if you encounter any issues, please report them on our GitHub repository.

Does ERRP support multiple languages?

Yes, ERRP is translation-ready. All user-facing strings can be translated into your preferred language.


  • Major update: Renamed to “ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts”
  • Added new shortcode [errp_enhanced_posts] for more flexibility
  • Improved content matching algorithm for better relevance in related posts
  • Enhanced SEO optimization features with improved internal linking
  • Added responsive grid layout option for modern, mobile-friendly designs
  • Implemented advanced caching mechanism for better performance, including separate caches for related and random posts
  • Updated user interface for easier configuration with color customization options
  • Introduced new options for handling posts without featured images
  • Improved compatibility with latest WordPress version (6.4.2)
  • Added support for custom CSS to allow further design customization
  • Implemented nonce checks and improved security measures


  • Initial release of the Easy Related Random Posts plugin.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/errp-enhanced-related-random-posts directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to the “ERRP: Enhanced Related Random Posts” settings in your WordPress dashboard to configure the plugin.
  4. Configure initial settings such as display type, number of posts, and layout preferences.
  5. Add the shortcode [errp_enhanced_posts] to your posts or pages where you want related or random posts to appear.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.6
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.2