Easy Content Lists
Easy Content Lists

Easy Content Lists

Razorfrog Web Design

Easy Content Lists is a WordPress plugin that offers a set of shortcodes for efficiently listing pages, posts, taxonomies, and tags on your WordPress site. It provides users with an easy way to display content hierarchically and stylishly, offering various filtering and styling options.


Use the following shortcodes to display lists on your WordPress site:

  • [razorfrog_pages_list] – For listing pages.
  • [razorfrog_posts_list] – For listing posts.
  • [razorfrog_taxonomy_list] – For listing taxonomy terms.
  • [razorfrog_tags_list] – For displaying tags in a cloud format.
What parameters does `[razorfrog_pages_list]` accept?

  • orderby: Order by ‘title’, ‘date’, etc. (default: ‘title’)
  • order: ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’ (default: ‘ASC’)
  • exclude: Exclude specific page IDs (default: ”)
  • child_of: Display child pages of a specific page ID (default: 0)
  • col: Column number for styling (default: 1)
  • error_message: Custom error message (default: ‘ERROR: Can\’t find pages.’)

What parameters does `[razorfrog_posts_list]` accept?

  • post_type: Specify the post type (default: ‘post’)
  • orderby: Order by ‘title’, ‘date’, etc. (default: ‘date’)
  • order: ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’ (default: ‘DESC’)
  • exclude: Exclude specific post IDs (default: ”)
  • posts_per_page: Number of posts to display (default: 100)
  • col: Column number for styling (default: 1)
  • taxonomy: Specify taxonomy to filter (default: ”)
  • terms: Specific terms to include/exclude (default: ”)
  • meta_key: Meta key for filtering (default: ”)
  • meta_value: Meta value for filtering (default: ”)
  • error_message: Custom error message (default: ‘ERROR: Can\’t find posts.’)

What parameters does `[razorfrog_taxonomy_list]` accept?

  • taxonomy: Specify the taxonomy (default: ‘category’)
  • orderby: Order by ‘title’, ‘count’, etc. (default: ‘title’)
  • order: ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’ (default: ‘ASC’)
  • col: Column number for styling (default: 1)
  • count: Show term count (default: ‘true’)
  • error_message: Custom error message (default: ‘ERROR: Can\’t find taxonomy.’)

What parameters does `[razorfrog_tags_list]` accept?

  • query_type: ‘include’ or ‘exclude’ specific tags (default: ‘exclude’)
  • tags_ids: IDs of tags to include or exclude (default: ”)
  • max_count: Max number of tags to display (default: 100)
  • size_from: Minimum font size for tags (default: 16)
  • size_to: Maximum font size for tags (default: 36)
  • error_message: Custom error message (default: ‘ERROR: Can\’t find tags.’)


  • Added conditions to check if shortcodes already exist to avoid conflicts.
  • Improved data sanitization and escaping.


  • Initial release.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/easy-content-lists directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Last updated: 4 months ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP version: 7.2