Dashify: WooCommerce admin dashboard theme
Dashify: WooCommerce admin dashboard theme

Dashify: WooCommerce admin dashboard theme


Dashify brings a modern design and UI to the WooCommerce admin. Manage, search, and navigate orders faster.

Just activate Dashify, and you’re all set! Your existing WordPress admin turns into a beautiful, ecommerce-focused admin panel. No configuration necessary.


Dashify doesn’t just give a fresh look to the WooCommerce admin—it also adds new functionality, marked with a star ⭐ below!

WooCommerce-focused admin menu

  • Clear separation of WooCommerce from other WordPress menu items.
  • “Orders” and other WooCommerce submenu items are moved to the main admin menu, making them easier to find.
  • The navigation gets a modern style inspired by other popular apps (Shopify, Notion, Stripe).
  • Compatible with Admin Menu Editor.
  • If a plugin adds a menu item, you’ll find it in Dashify’s navigation too.
  • Doesn’t suit your store? You can turn it off without affecting the rest of Dashify.

⭐ Order trend graphs

  • See trends with a graph of total, refunded, and completed orders above the order list.
  • For WooCommerce Subscriptions, see subscription revenue, the number of new subscriptions, and the number of cancelled subscriptions.
  • Choose between Today, Last 24 hours, 7 and 30 day time periods.

Order list

  • Order status filters are big and easy to click.
  • Bulk actions appear only when at least one item is selected, and they are sticky as you scroll the order list.
  • The search bar and filters are grouped together, only visible when in use, and can be opened with the “F” keyboard shortcut.
  • Filters can be cleared all at once, or one at a time.
  • Table is fully responsive to screen size and works well on mobile devices.

Order view/edit

  • Switching from Shopify to WooCommerce? Manage orders in a Shopify-like UI.
  • Next and previous order buttons with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Jump to orders of the same status. Based on the order status selected in the order list, after clicking into an order, the next and previous buttons will go to the next or previous order of the same status.
  • ⭐ Date and time formatted according to region.
  • ⭐ Back button to get back to the order list.
  • Order number, status, and date are moved to the top for visibility.
  • Action and update buttons are grouped together at the top.
  • Order notes become a Timeline.
  • Timeline text box automatically expands as you type more.

Dashify Pro

Dashify Pro brings even more improvements to the WooCommerce admin.

  • Get the Dashify theme on more WooCommerce pages! With Dashify Pro, the product list is also styled. More pages coming soon! Check out the roadmap for details.
  • Find orders quickly with global search. Dashify Pro adds a “Search orders” button to the WordPress admin toolbar, allowing you to find an order by ID, customer name, email, phone, or product SKU within an order. This AJAX search is faster because it doesn’t require a full page reload, unlike the standard WooCommerce order search. It also shows recent orders so you can jump to those quickly.
  • Hide specific custom fields in orders and subscriptions. You can mark custom fields as hidden, and then they won’t show in any order or subscription edit view.
  • Sort order line items by SKU. When packing orders with many items, this helps you find items faster if they’re also sorted by SKU in your warehouse or fulfillment center.

Screenshots / Pricing


Dashify should work with most plugins for the WooCommerce admin.

Here are the plugins we’ve extensively tested and designed Dashify to be compatible with:

  • WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • Admin Menu Editor by Janis Elsts
  • PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce by WP Overnight
  • WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes and Shipping Labels by WebToffee
  • Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce by Payment Plugins
  • RD Order Modifier for WooCommerce by Robot Dwarf

If you find a plugin that’s not compatible, leave a message in the WordPress.org support forum or contact us through the Dashify Help Desk, and we’ll gladly add compatibility for it.


  • You can turn Dashify on and off quickly through the WordPress screen options in case you have occasional plugins or workflows not currently supported by Dashify.
  • If the layout doesn’t look right, whether Dashify is on or off, turning it on/off again through the screen options will reset the layout.
Can I give feedback, report a bug, or request a feature?

Yes! Tell us what you would like to see in the WordPress.org support forum or through the Dashify Help Desk. We read and appreciate all feedback.

What data does this plugin collect? Is it safe?

Dashify doesn’t collect any data, not even analytics. It only restyles and adds features to your WooCommerce admin.

Will this slow down my admin?

Dashify requires some new code to run, but the impact on load time should be minimal. We monitor this carefully. If you feel Dashify slows down your admin considerably, reach out to us!

Dashify your WooCommerce Admin with some great features!

By pfeild on June 20, 2024

Solid plugin offering a more modern and intuitive design for WooCommerce order management! Helmed by a super responsive and enthusiastic developer. I cannot wait for what is to come!

Wonderful - needs more attention

By acidtwin on June 12, 2024

After the vanishing and exit scam with the Energy+ team, this is a good replacement and one to keep an eye on.

Improve UX for woocommerce

By rridder on June 4, 2024

Great plugin to improve the user experience of the wordpress/woocommerce backend. Coming for a shopify environment this greatly helps our customers service handling orders and customers questions. Also great support by the team to help improve the plugin.

Out-of-the-box Modern WooCommerce Backend Design

By digitaltreecompany on May 9, 2024

WooCommerce and WordPress could be way better in terms of UXs compared to more recently built e-commerce SaaS such as Shopify. From a backend point of view, WooCommerce lacks intuitive, neat, flexible layouts, and I'm often ashamed of showing the WooCommerce backend to my clients who deal daily with various "easy-to-use" SaaS way more straightforward to use than WooCommerce for a lambda non-technical person.

Dashify's developer is quite aware of this, and his plugin dramatically improved the WooCommerce user experience out-of-the-box when activating the Dashify plugin. I'm looking forward to the Dashify plugin scope getting more extensive in scope.

I had the opportunity to report a bug corrected in less than 48 hours, which is impressive.

All the best to Dashify!


By vhmc41 on March 27, 2024

I've been recommending clients use Shopify, because it's a lot easier to use for beginners, but this totally changes the usability of WooCommerce. This is really excellent.

A Dev Who Understands Good Design

By sfast5891 on March 15, 2024

Impressed by this developer. Shortly, I'll invite him to a Club for Undeniable Talent-- he deserves it for being so multi-talented.

1.3.6 (2024-09-24)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Stripe Customer ID not showing in subscription edit for WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway by WooCommerce.

1.3.5 (2024-09-04)


  • Dashify’s floating bulk actions now supports all third-party plugins and languages.
  • Compatibility for WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes and Shipping Labels by WebToffee (menu position, icon, and action icons in the order list).
  • Compatibility for WooPayments in Dashify’s admin menu.
  • Align admin menu text for some third-party plugins with custom icons.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PHP warning Uninitialized string offset 11.
  • Fixed some WooCommerce menu items being out of place if WooPayments is missing.

1.3.4 (2024-08-27)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed error “Call to undefined function is_plugin_active()”

1.3.3 (2024-08-27)


  • Dashify’s navigation is now compatible with Admin Menu Editor by Janis Elsts. If Admin Menu Editor is enabled, Dashify’s custom arrangement of the menu items will be disabled, and the menu ordering in Admin Menu Editor will take effect.
  • The “Clear filters” button will turn red if at least one filter is applied, making it easier to find when you do want to clear filters.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the “Order status filter applied” message showing inside an order if the “All” status was clicked when viewing the order list.
  • Fixed order date and status showing twice in the mobile order list after a recent WooCommerce update.
  • Fixed “Filter by order type” showing without WooCommerce Subscriptions.
  • Fixed lack of padding and a blank button in the order list if the last order of a given status is removed.
  • Fixed the “Add order” button being too wide when viewing the order list for the first time, before a store has any orders.

1.3.2 (2024-08-22)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Rank Math menu items and icon not showing correctly in Dashify’s navigation.
  • Fixed “Searching all orders” text also showing in subscription and product list tables.
  • Fixed broken order list table on mobile due to a recent WooCommerce update.

1.3.1 (2024-08-16)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the Dashify navigation being incompatible with admin languages other than English.
  • Fixed “Products Add New” submenu item not highlighted when using the new WooCommerce product editor.

1.3.0 (2024-08-09)

New features

  • The WordPress admin menu gets a fresh look! WooCommerce items are displayed first, and important items such as Orders that were inside the WooCommerce submenu are now in the main menu. (There’s also an option to turn it off in WooCommerce Settings Dashify.)


  • Dashify is now compatible with PHP versions down to 7.0.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed order search and filter styling after a recent WooCommerce update.
  • Fixed subscription revenue trend graph missing a flat line if 0 sales.

1.2.11 (2024-07-20)


  • Custom fields: The styling of the buttons in custom fields is more consistent, and the styles are consistent whether the custom fields are in the main area or the sidebar.
  • Custom fields: We removed a message at the bottom of custom fields about using them in the theme, since it always displayed but is not relevant to everyone.

Bug fixes

  • Custom fields: Fixed being unable to resize the textarea in custom fields.

1.2.10 (2024-07-15)


  • Order trend graphs: The “Today” option is split into “Today” and “Last 24 hours”, with “Today” now showing only the orders since midnight of the current day.

Bug fixes

  • Order trend graphs: Fixed an issue where the time zone offset might cause some orders to be excluded.
  • Order trend graphs: Fixed the graphs showing a blank space instead of a flat line if the value of a metric is 0.
  • Subscriptions: Fixed the add new subscription page missing Dashify styles when HPOS is turned on.
  • Order & subscription lists: Fixed the filters disappearing if 0 orders matched the filter.

1.2.9 (2024-07-07)

Bug fixes

  • Fix “Filter by order type” for subscriptions showing in the order list when WooCommerce Subscriptions isn’t active.


  • There’s an “Upgrade to Pro” link in the plugin list that takes you to all Dashify Pro features, in case you want to keep an eye on any paid upgrades that interest you.

1.2.8 (2024-06-25)


  • Order and subscription views — Adjust the positions of elements in the single order and subscription views, even with Dashify on.

Bug fixes

  • Order view — Fix the positions of the elements in the order view not being adjustable after turning off Dashify.
  • Order trend graphs — Fix the number of orders sometimes being incorrect due to the posts_per_page setting.
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions — Fix the subscription attribution being hidden.
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions — Fix the customer information being hidden.

1.2.7 (2024-06-18)

Bug fixes

  • Fix a potential fatal PHP error.

1.2.6 (2024-06-18)


  • Order list: If a search is active, the search and filter area will remain expanded.
  • Order list: Clicking “Cancel” in the search and filter area will clear the search instead of just collapsing the search and filter area.
  • Order list: Display bulk actions from other plugins.

Bug fixes

  • Order list: Fix a possible issue with changing the analytics graph time frame on sites with a custom WordPress admin URL.


  • Starting in WordPress 6.5, plugins can declare other plugins as dependencies. Dashify now requires WooCommerce before it can be installed or activated, since it’s only for WooCommerce.

1.2.5 (2024-06-05)


  • Order view: The listing of products and other line items has been made compatible with plugins like RD Order Modifier for WooCommerce which add custom columns. We’ve restored the table header to label these and other columns, and the table is easier to use on mobile and does not overflow.
  • Order view: For users of RD Order Modifier for WooCommerce, that plugin’s fields have a more uniform appearance with the standard price adjustment fields of WooCommerce.

Bug fixes

  • Fix an undefined array key warning when manually adding an order.
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions: Fix broken pagination icons.
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions: Fix the WooCommerce “rate us” message going into the subscription list.
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions: Fix the subscriptions analytics graphs getting more data than is selected by the date range.

1.2.4 (2024-05-08)

New features

  • WooCommerce Subscriptions edit pages get the Dashify theme!


  • The appearance of the action buttons in the order edit view has been improved on small screens.
  • The line items in the order edit view are less likely to overflow on small screens.

1.2.3 (2024-05-03)

New features

  • Using WooCommerce Subscriptions? The subscription list is now just as sleek as the order list! (Subscription edit page styling coming soon!)
  • View key analytics about your subscriptions like revenue, sign ups, and cancellations over 1, 7, and 30 day periods.


  • A slightly larger font size for the filters makes them easier to see.

1.2.2 (2024-04-26)


  • The WooCommerce Subscriptions “related orders” box gets Dashify styling in the order edit view. (Full subscriptions page styling coming soon!)

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a few conflicts with other plugins and some WordPress environments.

1.2.1 (2024-04-24)


  • Improve the look of the action buttons in the order edit view.
  • Improve the look of the products/shipping/fees/totals in the order edit view.
  • The “what’s new” notice can be permanently hidden for all future versions of Dashify.

Bug fixes

  • PHP warning about a null query parameter on the “add new order” page related to the order pagination buttons which don’t appear on this page.
  • “What’s new” notice possibly not dismissing.

1.2.0 (2024-03-27)

New features

  • Paginate to the next order of the same status! If an order status is selected in the order list and you click into an order, the order status filter is taken into account when using the next and previous order buttons. It will jump to the next or previous order of the same order status, allowing you to, for example, handle “Payment pending” orders one at a time. You can clear this filter at any time from the order view.


  • The order date and time is entirely localized, including aspects like whether it should show AM/PM or use a 24-hour clock.

Bug fixes

  • The order time was off by some hours if the WordPress time zone setting was set to anything other than UTC. Now, as long as the viewer of the order date/time is in the same time zone as the WordPress setting, it will show the correct formatted time for their region.
  • K/J shortcuts going past the last/first order.
  • A few JavaScript errors about null elements.

1.1.3 (2024-03-15)


  • Order pagination buttons have tooltips and can be activated via keyboard shortcuts (K for next order, J for previous).
  • Order pagination is available for non-HPOS WooCommerce.
  • Order pagination will end at the newest/oldest order instead of paginating to the same one when on the newest/oldest order.
  • Analytics range selection is saved.

Bug fixes

  • Previously, order pagination could land on a trashed/deleted order and would show an error page. Now, it will skip these orders.

1.1.2 (2024-03-06)

Bug fixes

  • If any JS error happened, the page would be blank. Now, it will render the page even if errors are encountered along the way.
  • Missing bulk actions and Empty Trash button in trash view have been restored.

1.1.1 (2024-03-02)

  • No changes from 1.1.0. Re-releasing to try fixing missing download on WordPress.org.

1.1.0 (2024-02-25)

New features

  • Order trend graphs

1.0.0 (2024-01-21)

  • First release of Dashify!


5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.3.6
  • Last updated: 1 week ago
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.0