Current Date Shortcode For WordPess
Current Date Shortcode For WordPess

Current Date Shortcode For WordPess


Embed Dynamic Dates in Your WordPress Site with a Shortcode

This plugin simplifies adding the current date, month, or year anywhere on your WordPress website using a shortcode. Simply insert [current-date] and it’ll automatically update with the current date based on your language settings.

Flexible Date Formatting Options

Need a specific date format? No problem! Pass a format attribute with the shortcode for customization.

[current-date format=’l, F jS, Y’] displays the date as “Tuesday, May 21st, 2024”
[current-date format=’D, M j, Y’] displays the date as “Tue, May 21, 2024”
[current-date format=’F j, Y’] displays the date as “May 21, 2024”
[current-date format=’j F Y’] displays the date as “21 May 2024”
[current-date format=’m/d/Y’] displays the date as “05/21/2024”
[current-date format=’Y/m/d’] displays the date as “2024/05/21”
[current-date format=’Y-m-d’] displays the date as “2024-05-21”
[current-date format=’d-m-Y’] displays the date as “21-05-2024”
[current-date format=’Y.m.d’] displays the date as “2024.05.21”
[current-date format=’j.n.Y’] displays the date as “21.5.2024”
[current-date format=’d/m/Y’] displays the date as “21/05/2024”
[current-date format=’D, M j Y’] displays the date as “Tue, May 21 2024”
[current-date format=’l, j F Y’] displays the date as “Tuesday, 21 May 2024”
[current-date format=’D, j M Y’] displays the date as “Tue, 21 May 2024”
[current-date format=’jS F Y’] displays the date as “21st May 2024”
[current-date format=’F jS’] displays the date as “May 21st”
[current-date format=’M j’] displays the date as “May 21”
[current-date format=’Y-M-d’] displays the date as “2024-May-21”

Easy to Use, Powerful Customization

This user-friendly plugin empowers you to seamlessly integrate dynamic dates into your WordPress content, enhancing both functionality and user experience.


The full source code is available on GitHub Repository. Feel free to contribute or report an issue.

Does the plugin come for free?

Yes, it’s completely free.


Update: Improved compatibility with WordPress 6.6.1, guaranteeing smooth operation and stability within the WordPress ecosystem.

There is no prerequisites for installing Current Date Shortcode For WordPess. You can follow the steps below to complete the installation.

Automatic Installation

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New screen from your WordPress website dashboard.
  2. Search for Current Date Shortcode For WordPess.
  3. Install and activate the plugin, that’s it!


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 20
  • WordPress version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.0