Community Cloud Plugin

Community Cloud Plugin


This plugin displays a ‘tag cloud’ of all the people in your community who have contributed to our blog by commenting.
The more comments someone has made on your blog the bigger and bolder their tag. Thus, it’s a tag cloud of community participants for your blog.
You also have options to customize the community cloud to your blog and needs.
People can see how big your community is in a more visually impactful way, as well as being able to see who the major contributors are compared to the people who just comment once off.


If you’re upgrading from a previous version of the community cloud,
you’ll need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin after uploading the new files.

  • More Social – This version now includes optional “social” hCards. The plugin will check the website/blog URL of each of the commenters in your cloud and if they have an hCard it will include it on the commenters link.
  • More Efficient – The plugin is a lot more efficient than the last version. The cloud is no longer generate and displayed in real time. The cloud is prebuilt on activation and continually maintained as people comment on your blog.
  • More Accurate – Instead of filtering out commenters by name (different people might comment with the same name), comments are now filtered out using commenter’s email address, which is a lot more accurate. There is also an option to exclude, certain link URLs from your cloud.

  • Improved comment count display, to allow comment counts to appear in tooltip text, in the link, or not at all
  • removed old url validate function and replaced it with something more simple
  • fixed font colors, so if you leave out max. font color and min. font color it falls back to your theme’s default link colors rather than reverting to black

  • Added the option to specify your own link seperator character
  • Option to display comment authors that haven’t entered website URLs as well as those that have
  • Show number of comments author has posted in link tooltip text

  • Allow plugin files to work in any subdirectory. It used to be that the plugin only functioned properly in the plugins/community_cloud/ directory

  • added sidebar widget
  • added option link back to the author of the plugin
  • added the option to set your comment threshold (default 1)
  • added option to order your cloud by most recent commenter to earliest, top commenter to lowest, and random (default)

  • added mysql_escape_string for security

  • initial release

Have Fun.

Miguel dos Santos
Your Group of Web AddiCT(s);

The main problem that people have been reporting is that the plugin doesn’t show up in their plugin list once they’ve uploaded it:
– The solution to this problem is to make sure to check that the file permissions on the plugin is set correctly. You need “CHMOD” the files to 755, or 777 just to be safe (That’s if you’re hosted on a Linux server, If you’re hosted on the Windows server you shouldn’t experience this problem)

Which versions of PHP do I need?
– The community cloud will work on both php4 and php5, but it works best on php5. On php4 the cloud uses some web services.



0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.0
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.1
  • Tested up to: 2.7
  • PHP version: false