Category Page Extender

Category Page Extender


This plugin builds on the Category Page plugin making it possible to automatically insert posts into pages and subpages based on categories. You must have a current version of Category Page installed in order to function.
Visit plugin page here


To view complete instructions read here

Open up page.php in your template folder (you may also set up a seperate a Page Template)

For the most basic setup, insert the following below the loop statement in the page.php file:

<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID);} ?>

I recommend you wrap the function in your standard post class. For example:

<div class="post">
<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID);} ?>

Plugin Options

<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID, posts per page, number of pages);} ?><br /><br />

Posts per page: (default = 10) set to 0 to show all
This sets the number of posts to show at one time on the page.

Number of pages: (default = 15) set to 0 to show all
This tells how many page numbers to show at a time on the page navigation bar.

Example of Category Page Extender with variables:

<?php if( function_exists(page2cat_pages)){ page2cat_pages($post->ID, 5, 10);} ?>

This will list 5 posts and up to 10 page numbers at a time on the page navigation bar.

Plugin Homepage

1.0.3 – Fixed Firefox display error due to html comments in category-page-extender.php file

1.0.2 – Fixed page navigation

1.0.1 – Fixed header output error

1.0 – Original Release

***Requires a current installation of Category Page:

  1. Download the plugin Zip archive.
  2. Upload Category Page Extender folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Setup some relationship between Categories and Pages using the Category Page plugin
  5. Tweak page.php in your theme folder (please read here to learn how).
  6. Enjoy!


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 40
  • WordPress version: 2.2
  • Tested up to: 2.8.4
  • PHP version: false