Bulk Delete
Bulk Delete

Bulk Delete

Bulk WP

Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to delete posts, pages, attachments, users and meta fields in bulk based on different conditions and filters.


The following conditions and filters are supported.

Deleting posts

This Plugin supports the following bulk delete options for deleting posts

  • Delete posts by category
  • Delete posts by tag
  • Delete posts by custom taxonomy
  • Delete posts by custom post type
  • Delete posts by comment count
  • Delete posts by url
  • Delete posts by custom field (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts by title (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts by duplicate title (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete all draft posts
  • Delete all pending posts
  • Delete all private posts
  • Delete all scheduled posts
  • Delete all posts from trash (Available as a Pro addon)

All the above options support the following filters

  • Post date greater than X days
  • Post date less than X days
  • Only public posts
  • Only private posts
  • Restrict to first N posts
  • Delete permanently or just move to trash
  • Schedule deletion of posts automatically (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting posts by content

  • Delete posts by content (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete duplicate posts by title (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts based on whether it contains attachment or not (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting posts by user

  • Delete posts by user role (Available as a Pro addon)
  • Delete posts by user (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting pages

  • Delete all published pages
  • Delete all draft pages
  • Delete all pending pages
  • Delete all private pages
  • Delete all scheduled pages
  • Delete all pages from trash (Available as a Pro addon)

Like posts, all the above options support the following filters as well

  • Post date greater than X days
  • Post date less than X days
  • Only public pages
  • Only private pages
  • Restrict to first N pages
  • Delete permanently or just move to trash
  • Schedule deletion of pages automatically (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting post revisions

  • Delete all post revisions

Deleting users

  • Delete users based on user role
  • Delete users based on user meta fields
  • Delete users who have not logged in in the last X days
  • Delete users based on their registered date

Deleting Meta Fields

  • Delete Post meta fields
  • Delete Comment meta fields
  • Delete User meta fields

Deleting Attachments

  • Delete Attachments (Available as a Pro addon)

Deleting content from other plugins

  • Delete Jetpack Contact Form Messages

More options coming soon 🙂

As you can see, the Plugin provide comprehensive options and filters to perform bulk deletion.

If you looking for just moving posts, instead of deleting, then use Bulk Move Plugin instead.

Pro Addons

The following are the popular pro addons that are available for purchase. The full list of pro addons is available at the plugin site.

  • Delete posts by custom field – Adds the ability to delete posts based on custom field. More details.
  • Delete posts by content – Adds the ability to delete posts based on content. More details.
  • Delete posts by attachment – Adds the ability to delete posts based on attachment More details.
  • Delete posts by title – Adds the ability to delete posts based on title. More details.
  • Delete posts by duplicate title – Adds the ability to delete posts based on duplicate title. More details.
  • Delete posts by user role – Adds the ability to delete posts based on user role. More details.
  • Delete posts by user – Adds the ability to delete posts based on user. More details.
  • Delete from trash – Adds the ability to delete posts and pages from trash. More details.
  • Scheduler Email – Sends email whenever a Bulk WP Scheduler runs. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts Category – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on category. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts Tag – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on tag. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts by Custom Taxonomy – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on custom taxonomy. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts by Custom post type – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on custom post type. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting posts by Post Status – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of posts based on post status like drafts, pending posts, scheduled posts etc. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting pages by status – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of pages based on status. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting users by User Role – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of users based on user role. More details.
  • Scheduler for deleting users by User Meta – Adds the ability to schedule auto delete of users based on user meta. More details.
  • Delete Post Meta Fields Pro – Adds the ability to delete post meta fields based on value and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.
  • Delete Comment Meta Fields Pro – Adds the ability to delete comment meta fields based on value and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.
  • Delete User Meta Fields Pro – Adds the ability to delete user meta fields based on value and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.
  • Delete attachment – Adds the ability to delete attachments More details.
  • Delete Jetpack Contact Form Messages Pro – Adds the ability to delete Jetpack Contact Form Messages based on filters and to schedule automatic deletion. More details.

PHP Support

Fully compatible with PHP v5.3 to v7.3


The development of the Plugin happens over at github. If you want to contribute to the Plugin, fork the project at github and send me a pull request.

If you are not familiar with either git or Github then refer to this guide to see how fork and send pull request.

If you are looking for ideas, then you can start with one of TODO items from the issue tracker 🙂


  • If you have found a bug/issue or have a feature request, then post them in github issues
  • If you have a question about the plugin usage or need help to troubleshoot, then post about it in our BulkWP Support forums
  • If you have a question about any of the addon or need help to troubleshoot the addons, then post about it in our BulkWP Support forums
  • If you like the Plugin, then kindly leave a review/feedback at WordPress repo page. This will help more people to discover the plugin.
  • Checkout other WordPress Plugins that I have written
  • If anything else, then contact us in twitter.


The Plugin currently has translations for the following languages.

  • Dutch (Thanks Rene)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (Thanks Marcelo of Criacao de Sites em Ribeirao Preto)
  • German (Thanks Jenny Beelens)
  • Turkish Portuguese (Thanks Bahadir Yildiz)
  • Spanish (Thanks Brian Flores)
  • Italian (Thanks Paolo Gabrielli)
  • Bulgarian (Thanks Nikolay Nikolov)
  • Russian (Thanks Maxim Pesteev)
  • Lithuanian (Thanks Vincent G)
  • Hindi (Thanks Love Chandel)
  • Serbian (Thanks Diana)
  • Gujarati (Thanks Puneet)

The pot file is available with the Plugin. If you are willing to do translation for the Plugin, use the pot file to create the .po files for your language and let me know.


Thanks Martin Capodici for providing the code to implement the “delete specific page” feature.

Thanks to Time picker addon JavaScript library, which the Plugin uses.

Thanks to select2 JavaScript library, which the Plugin uses.

Readme Generator

This Readme file was generated using wp-readme, which generates readme files for WordPress Plugins.

After installing the Plugin, I just see a blank page.

This can happen if you have huge number of posts and your server is very underpowered. Check your PHP error log to see if there are any errors and correct them. The most common problems are script timeout or running out of memory. Change your PHP.ini file and increase the script timeout and/or amount of memory used by PHP process. You can view the current values of these settings from the system info page which can be accessed by going to Bulk WP -> System Info.

In particular try to change the following settings

  • max_execution_time = 600 – Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
  • max_input_time = 30 – Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
  • memory_limit = 256M – Maximum amount of memory a script may consume

You can also try to disable different sections of the Plugin, if you have huge number of posts.

How do I know what are the current values for these options configured in my server?

Access the System Info page using the menu Bulk WP -> System Info. The System info page displays the values for the different configuration options that are configured in your server.

How do I disable different sections of the Plugin

You can enable or disable different sections of the Plugin by choosing the required modules in the screen option. You can open screen options by clicking the link in the top right corner of the Plugin page.

Is it possible to restore the posts that I have deleted through the Plugin?

If you choose the option “Move to trash” then you can find them from trash. But if you choose “Delete permanently”, then it is not possible to retrieve the posts. So be very careful.

Is it possible that some Plugin are not compatible with Bulk Delete?

Yes. If a Plugin rewrites the query vars by using add_filter( 'pre_get_posts' ) then it may be incompatible with this Plugin.

If you find any Plugin with which Bulk Delete doesn’t work, then let me know and I will try to see if I can add support through some hack.

Is it possible to schedule deletion of posts?

The ability to schedule deletion of posts is available as a pro addon.

I have a question about the pro addons, how should I contact you?

You can contact us by posting about it in our support forum.

Outstanding Plugin to bulk delete posts

By techspecx on June 24, 2024

Bulk Delete by Sudar is a must-have plugin for anyone managing a WordPress site. It simplifies the process of cleaning up posts, pages, and custom post types with intuitive filtering options. Efficient, user-friendly, and an outstanding plugin, it saves time and ensures site maintenance is hassle-free. Highly recommended for bulk deleting posts!

ideal para limpiar un hackeo

By lavalldesign on June 10, 2024

Me vino genial para borrar las 7000 entradas que generó un hackeo.

El inconveniente es que tienes que tener un buen server porque si no se queda frito.

doesn't wok

By stoneleafteahouse on March 29, 2024

tried deleting users using metadata, and it didnt work.

Doesn't work

By pldoolittle on October 4, 2023

Reports "nothing to delete, despite there being about 50 users in the specified range.

Doesn't work

By tokegameart on August 24, 2023

I have more than 31k users, and some of them must be spammer, so i tried this plugin, tried to delete some users with no "woocommerce order". The result is 0 deleted user. i'll rate 5 stars if this feature work.

Works as intended

By NightL on July 25, 2023

Works as intended

Didn't Work - Support Ignores Us

By Rosso Digital (roberthemsing) on April 18, 2023

Paid for the premium version but the plugin simply wouldn't delete the WooCommerce Orders and Subscriptions so we decided to ask for a refund. It took them 6 days to reply to our original refund request. We haven't heard from them in two weeks and still don't have a refund. They've ignored our last three follow-up emails. Smells like more of a scam than anything else.

Deleted Users With Orders

By vorticy on March 21, 2023

I was deleting users who didn't have anything in first_name and who didn't have Orders posts. I thought it was working. Well, I was wrong. It deleted a ton of users who had orders and first names input. How can I restore these from a copy of the database?


tricky but helpfull

By arcticblue on March 1, 2023

This plugin helped me a lot in deleting 20k customers from a database with almost 60k customers. The plugin offers a lot of features, and thats why it is sometimes a bit tricky or buggy.. But it did the work.

I needed to delete customers that were older than 500 days and it did that, but what I didn recognize in the first try was, that after I tried to interrupt the deletion process by simply reloading the backend page, it silently kept going deleting those customers. Not a bad thing in my case, because I tested it on a dev site, but I had to shut down and restart my server localy, to securely interrupt and stop the batch process. So thats why you should use this plugin with caution! Just like the developer says :)

But in the end I tried also the other plugin WP Bulk Delete and that plugin didnt come with the ability to silently keep on deleting the customers. So, I switched back to this plugin "Bulk Delete" and let it do the job. Thank you!

And dont forgett to deactivate AND delete the Plugin, after you managed your users/posts/whatever, because it is a TOOL, NOT a plugin like any other. Keep your site secure by deleting Tools that are only for ONE TIME USE :)

Thanks again for this nice tool, Sudar!

Bought it, didn't activate, didn't work

By yumaheymans on February 22, 2023

Bought it, didn't activate, didn't work.

No response from the developer.

2019-04-11 – v6.0.2


  • Show Bulk WP menu to only administrators.
  • Make Delete Comment Meta scheduler more reliable.
  • Tweak the message that is shown when a cron job is manually run.

2019-04-09 – v6.0.1

New Features

  • Added the ability to choose post status in addition to post type while deleting meta fields.


  • Enhanced warning and error messages.
  • Enhanced the taxonomy dropdown by grouping built-in and custom taxonomies.
  • Enhanced UI for scheduling deletion.

2019-02-22 – v6.0.0 (10th Anniversary release)

New Features

  • Added the ability to delete taxonomy terms based on name.
  • Added the ability to delete taxonomy terms based on post count.
  • Added the ability to delete posts based on comment count.
  • Added the ability to delete users who don’t belong to any role (no role).
  • Added the ability to reassign posts of a user who is going to be deleted to another user before deletion.
  • Added the ability to unstick sticky posts.
  • Added support for custom post status.
  • Added the ability to delete comment meta based on both meta key and value.
  • Complete rewrite of the way deletion is handled to improve performance.


  • Load all 3rd party library js and css locally and not from CDN. The plugin can work fully in offline mode.
  • Introduced a filter to exclude certain posts or users from getting deleted.
  • Display schedule label instead of slug in scheduled jobs list table.
  • Lot of UI/UX improvements.
  • Fully compatible with from PHP 5.3 to 7.3.
  • Fully compatible with Gutenberg.

2018-01-29 – v5.6.1

  • New Features

    • Added the ability to delete users based on partial user meta values.
  • Enhancements

    • Fixed a typo in filter text.

2017-12-28 – v5.6.0

  • New Features

    • Added the ability to delete posts based on custom post status.
    • Added the ability to filter delete users based on post count.
    • Added the ability to filter the deletion of Jetpack contact messages using various filters.
  • Enhancements

    • Now works in PHP version from 5.2 to 7.2

Old Releases

We have made more than 50 releases in the last 10 years. You can read the changelog of all the old releases at https://bulkwp.com/bulk-delete-changelog/

The simplest way to install the plugin is to use the built-in automatic plugin installer. Go to plugins -> Add New and then enter the name of the plugin to automatically install it.

If for some reason the above method doesn’t work then you can download the plugin as a zip file, extract it and then use your favorite FTP client and then upload the contents of the zip file to the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.


4.3 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 6.0.2
  • Last updated: 8 months ago
  • Active installations: 40K
  • WordPress version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP version: 5.3