Bookmark Export

Bookmark Export

Timo Schlueter

Bookmark Export helps you enter your Blog into several social bookmarking service.
It automatically generates bookmark-files which you can easily import into these services.
The plugin gets the title, description, date of the last modification
and the date the post has been published. Bookmark Export safes you
a lot of time if you want to import every single post or page of your blog
into social bookmarking services (e.g. for pagerank-optimization ;)).

Feel free to contact me if something weird happens during usage.

What do i have to to with the bookmark-files?

Most social bookmarking services offer a feature thats called something like
“Import Bookmark-File”. There you have to upload your file. All your
bookmarks are going to be imported automatically.

Why is service my favorite social-bookmarking service not supported?

Since version 2.0 there is no service on this planet (yet) which is not supported 😉

Your plugin killed my WordPress, idiot!

Let me know what exactly happened, we will find a solution 😉

How to contact you?

If you need to contact me, you will find the information inside the admin panel.

Who do you want to thank?

Michael Pluemer ( for his intensive testing!

Kim Harding, Rene Hesse ( and Asterios Paulsen ( for their excellent work on debugging!

Thank you guys!

Version 2.4

  • (new) multi-language support! finally! (comes with German and English)
  • (new) support for Browser-compatible Bookmark-Files.
  • (new) support for Linkarena
  • (new) UI has been cleaned up. If you go over a text area using your mouse-cursor you will get additional info.

Version 2.3

  • (fixed) form was stuck after export
  • (fixed) problem with umlauts
  • (fixed) export-button did not appear in some situations
  • (fixed) donation-button in admin-panel
  • (new) completely redesigned user-interface
  • (new) the names of the bookmark-files are now more meaningful
  • (new) links to the most common social bookmarking-services
  • (info) plugin is prepared for multi language support. I will make it public in the next major release

Version 2.2

  • (info) internal debug-release only

Version 2.1

  • (fixed) “Export new only” function was broken in version 2.0.2
  • (new) you can now specify a time period. The plugin exports every post or page published in this period
  • (new) donation button in the admin-panel (feel free to donate)
  • (info) for users with a large number of posts or pages (>300): please use the new time period-functionality. The WordPress functions are not able to work with that many posts/pages.

Version 2.0.2

  • (fixed) updated one function to use a new WordPress feature

Version 2.0.1

  • (fixed) typos

Version 2.0

  • (fixed) export of large numbers of posts (thanks to Rene Hesse)
  • (new) choose whether you want to export every post/page or just the ones that you published since the last export
  • (new) choose a custom tag-separator
  • (new) plugin is now universal. You can export for whatever social bookmarking service you want.
  • (new) interface-improvements in the admin-panel

Version 1.0.1

  • (fixed) a bug inside the bookmark-file generator.

Version 1.0

  • (new) rewritten main parts of the plugin
  • (new) doesnt require self-created bookmark-files any more.
  • (new) the plugin can now export blog pages as well.
  • (fixed) the plugin works MUCH faster now!
  • (info) since its nearly everything i wanted to achieve with this plugin, its tagged version 1.0 now.

Version 0.5

  • (fixed) some wired behaviors on some Web-servers (Thanks to Kim for debugging!)
  • (info) due to recent changes the plugin should now work on WordPress 2.5 as well!

Version 0.4.2

  • (fixed) an error in the function that writes to the bookmark-files.

Version 0.4.1

  • (fixed) an error within a switch case function

Version 0.4

  • (info) changed the order of tasks which have to be performed.
  • (new) added a submit-button (new bookmark files will be generated when you click the button).
  • (fixed) deleted some redundancies in the code.

Version 0.3

  • (info) changes in code structure, the plugin should run faster now.

Version 0.2

  • (fixed) a typo

Version 0.1

  • (info) initial release of the plugin
  1. Upload the bookmark-export folder to your plugins directory


    Install the plugin using the WordPress Plugin Library

  2. Activate the plugin through the administration-panel

  3. Use the admin-panel to generate and download your bookmark-files


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.4
  • Last updated: 14 years ago
  • Active installations: 20
  • WordPress version: 2.5.0
  • Tested up to: 2.9.2
  • PHP version: false