BNS Login

A simple plugin providing a link to the dashboard; and, a method to log in and out of your blog in the footer of the theme. This is ideal for those not wanting to use the meta widget/code links.

Now with an added toggle to support a minimalist approach using Dashicons.

See the FAQ for more details …
* Copyright 2009-2016 Edward Caissie (email : [email protected])

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You may NOT assume that you can use any other version of the GPL.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

The license for this software can also likely be found here:

Installation Instructions

  1. Extract the files from the compressed “zip” file (note the location of the extracted folder/files)
  2. Upload the contents of the bns-login folder (from above) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

— or –

  1. Go to ‘Plugins’ menu under your Dashboard
  2. Click on the ‘Add New’ link
  3. Search for bns-login
  4. Install.
  5. Activate through the ‘Plugins’ menu

Read this article for further assistance:

How can I get support for this plugin?

Please note, support may be available on the WordPress Support forums; but, it may be faster to visit and leave a comment with the issue you are experiencing.

Is it really that simple?

Yes, it really is.

Can the plugin be styled?

Yes, the plugin text is wrapped in its own <div id="bns-logged-in" class="bns-login"> or <div id="bns-logged-out" class="bns-login"> depending on the login status of the user.

Copy the contents of the included bns-login-style.css file (which contains a sampling of the CSS elements generated by the plugin) and paste them into a new stylesheet bns-login-custom-style.css under ../wp-content/bns-customs/ (you may need to create this folder).
This file should not get over-written with future updates so your specific CSS will remain.

Can I use the `bns_login` shortcode in a Text widget?

Yes you can! Actually this plugin makes it possible to use any properly written shortcode to be used in a Text widget.

How do I change to the Dashicons display?

All you need to do is add the following add_filter( 'bns_login_dashed_set', '__return_true' ); to your theme’s functions.php file; or, if you use a “site plugin” add it to that file.

Why is the key icon missing when I am logged out?

The key icon will only appear if you have set Membership to allow “Anyone can register” under Settings > General in your dashboard.
Otherwise, only the lock icon will be displayed when visiting the site and you are not logged in.

Do any themes support the Dashicons display by default?

Yes, currently Opus Primus (v1.3+ – does support this display.
Please contact your theme’s author if you need help with modifying your current theme to also have it support this option by default.


  • Released November 2016.
  • Add English (Canadian) translation files.


  • Released November 2016.
  • Changed class to singleton-style format and re-organized as needed.
  • Added minor formatting changes.
  • Updated copyright year references.
  • Updated i18n compatibility.


  • Released April 2015
  • Added bns_login_in_plugin_update_message function
  • Clean-up extraneous documentation
  • Update copyright year and tested up to version


  • Released October 2014
  • Added filter dashicons dependency to the main stylesheet
  • Added toggle to use dashicons instead of text
  • Added some basic sanitization to URL components and structures
  • Added is_ssl() to detect correct protocol for logout return URL
  • Update copyright year references to include 2014 in all files
  • Minor whitespace, documentation, and code formatting changes
  • Defined BNS_CUSTOM_PATH and BNS_CUSTOM_URL for customizations
  • Implement the use of ../wp-content/bns-customs/ for customizations
  • Added screenshots to show dashicons in use.
  • Updated readme.txt with additional FAQ items about using the dashicons display


  • Released March 2014
  • Inline documentation, version compatibility, and copyright years updated
  • Added plugin_data method
  • Added plugin_row_meta links


  • Release December 2013
  • Add the option to put custom stylesheet in /wp-content/ folder


  • Release August 2013
  • Added documentation for Jetpack Infinite Scroll Compatibility (JISC) function
  • Added specific id wrappers for the credit details in JISC function
  • Added link to Theme reference pointing to Theme URI in JISC function


  • Release August 2013
  • Added Jetpack Infinite Scroll compatibility


  • Release July 2013
  • Added dynamic filter parameter bns_login


  • Release May 2013
  • Correct default redirect URL to point to ‘wp-admin’


  • Released May 2013
  • Added plugin version data dynamically to enqueue calls
  • Added (enqueued) ‘BNS Login Form Style’ to style the form
  • Added bns_login_form (wp_login_form wrapper) for use as the shortcode output
  • Updated for version compatibility and minor code formatting


  • Released February 2013
  • Documentation updates (copyright year, compatibility version)
  • Added code block termination comments
  • Changed MultiSite conditional to use is_multisite


  • Released November 2012
  • Add empty hooks before and after main output
  • Add filter hooks to all of the text output
  • Add Shortcode functionality to text widgets
  • Add Shortcode for this plugin
  • Add wrapping classes around output elements
  • Refactored bns_login_main to use hooks instead of array elements
  • Remove load_textdomain as redundant
  • Updated ‘readme’ with FAQ on shortcode use


  • Implemented OOP style class coding


  • confirmed compatible with WordPress 3.4
  • inline documentation and minor code formatting


  • released November 2011
  • confirmed compatible with WordPress 3.3
  • added phpDoc Style documentation
  • added conditional check for custom stylesheet
  • cleaned up use of wp_register
  • general code tidying
  • wrap BNS_Login and bns_login_output in function_exists conditionals


  • released June 2011
  • confirmed compatible with WordPress version 3.2-RC1
  • minor changes to front-facing text
  • allow editable parameters for the text
  • added editable separator character(s)
  • separator character(s) has its own style class, bns-login-separator
  • added ‘Register’ link if the site allows for user self-registration; thanks to Andy Fragen for the idea.


  • released June 2011
  • confirmed compatible with WordPress version 3.2-beta2-18085
  • enqueued the stylesheets
  • added the ability to put custom CSS into bns-login-custom-style.css that will not be over-written with updates.


  • released December 11, 2010
  • Confirm compatible with WordPress 3.1 (beta)


  • added ‘clear:both;’ to ‘.bns-login’


  • released: 29 Aug 2010
  • compatibility check with WordPress 3.0.1
  • no other modifications


  • minor code corrections
  • code clean up to meet WP Standards


  • compatible with WordPress version 3.0
  • added plugin specific style sheet
  • centered the text as a default in the style sheet

  • compatible with WordPress version 2.9.2
  • updated license declaration

  • clarified the plugin release under a GPL license


  • compatibility check for 2.9.1 completed


  • compatibility check for 2.9 completed


  • minor code error correction


  • Code clean up
  • Comments and documentation added
  • Version control added
  • localization code init function


  • Added localization code


  • Added WordPressMU Compatibility – Logout returns user to main domain (home) of WPMU installation.
  • Corrected deprecated parameter variable ‘siteurl’ to ‘url’


  • Initial Release
  1. Extract the files from the compressed “zip” file (note the location of the extracted folder/files)
  2. Upload the contents of the bns-login folder (from above) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

— or –

  1. Go to ‘Plugins’ menu under your Dashboard
  2. Click on the ‘Add New’ link
  3. Search for bns-login
  4. Install.
  5. Activate through the ‘Plugins’ menu

Read this article for further assistance:


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.5.2
  • Last updated: 6 years ago
  • Active installations: 30
  • WordPress version: 3.8
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26
  • PHP version: false