Custom Login
Custom Login

Custom Login


A simple way to customise the login screen on your WordPress install. There are a number of advantages to using this plugin:

  1. Using a plugin means the changes stay when you upgrade
  2. It’s an easy way to add a little polish to your freelance web design jobs

There is a flickr group for showing off your custom logins, or for getting inspiration for your own creations. You can see it on flickr –

If you’re in the market for a WordPress theme then you could check out my Premium GPL WordPress themes site here:


By Stoob on October 31, 2020

Not too much, not to little, just right. Allows for custom logo, font and button, and a little extra CSS if needed. Based on the size of your logo you will need to adjust the background position and/or margins of the #login but with a few tweaks it looks great.

Really like this plugin

By (Pixeldrummer) on October 9, 2016

The best and most effective plugins are those who are simple, easy to use and do what they promise. This is one of them. I have used it for years in every site I've done. Others that I've tried add too many options that are not needed and thus become complicated. Today's version has it all and it couldn't be easier to create a nice, customized login screen. You can go crazy with your own CSS, but you don't have to. Besides a nice login screen you can add a line that shows at the bottom of the dashboard with your support contact information, so that users have it in front of them when they need it. A very nice touch! Thanks.

Simply Cool

By Akawey (akawey) on September 3, 2016

Simple and cool plugin. Always one of my first choices when building a website.

supb, excellent

By Himanshu (himanshu_ag) on September 3, 2016

supb, excellent Plugin

Works 4 me

By netgoblin on September 3, 2016

Checked several plugs, only this worked for me. Don't know why...
Ignore the settings, add custom CSS and go!

2.3.2 – 14th July 2021

  • Fix errant comma that caused a 500 error on some servers.

2.3.1 – 13th July 2021

  • Fix PHP error for missing settings.

2.3 – 3rd January 2021

  • Display the ‘powered by’ text underneath the login form to ensure it is visible. It can be targetted with css using .cl-powered-by.

2.2.5 – 17th June 2020

  • Fix implode parameter order.

2.2.4 – 5th March 2020

  • Update CSSTidy to latest version.

2.2.3 – August 23rd 2019

  • Switch to submit_button function for settings form.

2.2.2 – April 23rd 2019

  • Replace deprecated filter.
  • Update coding standards.

2.2.1 – December 1st 2017

  • Remove text shadow on login button so that it’s more consistently readable.
  • Make it clearer what the text link colour changes.
  • Change CSS label to match the core customizer label.
  • Remove CSS vendor prefixes that are no longer needed.

2.2 – November 30th 2017

  • Fix default colour values so that the default button works properly
  • Fix PHP 7 warnings in CSSTidy
  • Sanitize more things for extra security


  • Make translations work properly. Improve coding standards (again :))


  • Fix coding standards and improve security


  • Update the localization strings so that the new language pack system will be able to translate the plugin


  • Stop color picker from being loaded on every page in the admin – thanks to mgsisk for the report and code fix


  • Update CSS Tidy files to latest version


  • New Feature: Custom CSS – now you can edit everything! 🙂


  • make link colour affect login button to ensure things remain harmonious


  • improve sanitization/ security throughout


  • encode footer html properly so that html actually works – and is safe


  • make plugin path more flexible for people who move wp-content directory


  • improve security, and massively improve the admin page


  • add a shadow colour option, improve login url support, change admin footer text


  • Add a background image for the main body of the site


  • Some tweaks to the login layout


  • A total rewrite with a new options screen, and a redesigned page login layout


  • Old old old, needs updating

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the entire contents of the zip file to your plugin directory ‘/wp-content/plugins/’
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Create a background image and then upload that to your website as well
  4. Go to the plugins options page in the WordPress admin (‘Settings’ -> ‘Custom Login’) and enter the url for you login background image
  5. Change the colors as you desire
  6. Press save
  7. Bask in the glory of your beautiful new login screen


4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.3.2
  • Last updated: 8 months ago
  • Active installations: 20K
  • WordPress version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.5.0
  • PHP version: false