Auto Post Images (API)

Auto Post Images (API)


Automatically adds images to posts without having to edit the post. You can choose to have images selected at random or using the POST ID or POST SLUG.

To insert images into posts you no longer have to insert them one by one using the editor. All you have to do is name them appropriately and upload them to a folder & the plugin will automatically insert them into the corresponding post.

Want to add more images to the post? All you have to do is put more images into the folder and they will show up on the post without having to edit the post.

Need to remove a image from a post? Then just delete the image and it will no longer appear in the post.

No more hassle of editing the post.

Images tagged with the POSTID are displayed on that post. If the thumbnail option is enabled the plugin will use thumbnails in the post to link to the full size images. The plugin will automatically create thumbnails when needed.

Usage: Upload images by naming them as 'apiPOSTID' where ‘POSTID’ is ID of post where the image should be displayed. If you wish to use a different filename format then you can edit the regular expression pattern in the settings page.

Multiple images can be attached to a post simply by ensuring that all of them have the same prefix. For posts that do not have images a default “Image coming soon” image is displayed; this can be disabled from the settings screen.

Example Image Name: 'api66.jpg', 'api66a.jpeg', 'api66_two.gif', 'api66something', etc. Note: When posting multiple images to the same post by naming them with the same ‘apiNNN’ prefix. Avoid numbers immediately after the POSTID. For example: 'api662.gif' will not work if the ID of the POST is 66; instead name it something like 'api66image2.gif'. Again, if you wish to use a different filename format then you can edit the regular expression pattern in the settings page.

Demo: Dash of Salt & A Pinch of Love

Author Home: Karthikeyan

Plugin Home: Auto Post Images (API)

I not sure how to name the images?

  • If under “Search Setting” for “How do you want to attach images to a POST?” you choose “Post ID”
  • If under “General Settings” the “Image search Regular Expression?” is set to the default “^api__POSTID__[^0-9]+”
  • If the POSTID of the post that the images are for is 123 then the images names in the following format will work:
    • api123.jpg
    • api123something.jpg
    • api123_a.jpg
    • api123_b.jpg
  • The following will not work:
    • api123_cat1.jpg
    • api123_cat2.jpg
    • cat_photo_123.jpg
    • api__123__cat.jpg
  • If you set “Rename images for SEO?” to “Yes” you should still name the images as described above. The plugin will rename the images for SEO.

I want a feature. Can you add it for me?

Sure. Drop me an email 🙂

How do I not show the default image when there is no image for a post?

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Auto Post Images (API) Settings
  4. Select “No” under “Display default image if not image is found?
  5. Click “Update Settings”
  6. Now the default “Image Coming Soon” image is not displayed for posts that do not have images.
  7. Posts that have images will continue displaying the images as usual

I don’t want to use thumbnails. I want full size images in my posts

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Auto Post Images (API) Settings
  4. Select “No” under “Use thumbnails to link to full size images?
  5. Click “Update Settings”
  6. Now the full size images are added to posts instead of thumbnails

Where is the Plugin Admin Panel? Do you expect me to edit the code myself?

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Click Auto Post Images (API) Settings

I want to name the images something other than apiPOSTID ?

Sure. All you have to do is change the regular expression “Image search Regular Expression?“. Just make sure it has POSTID somewhere in the expression so that the plugin knows which images are attached to which post.

Do I name the images differently when SEO is enabled ?

No. You still upload the images using the same filename format specified in “Image search Regular Expression?“. The plugin will use this to search for images associated with the post and then rename them using the posts title.

What image types are supported?

Anything that the browser supports.

How do I change the image position and style

You can customize the image position and style by providing your own CSS classes in the Customize appearance section in the settings page. You can also change the styles in /auto-post-images/css/kkimageinpost.css.
If you like to change where the images are displayed (top, bottom, left, right, center) then providing your own CSS style class here is the best way.

I have a question that is not answered here

Email me. I’ll be happy to answer it.

I want to donate

If you are really thinking about donating… Thanks, I really appreciate it. Instead of donating money just write a few lines about the plugin and link to the plugin ( and my site ( or use the following code: '<a href="">Auto-Post-Images (API)</a> plugin by <a href="">Karthikeyan</a>'

  1. Download the plugin zip file
  2. Upload the plugin contents into your WordPress installation’s plugin directory
  3. The plugin’s .php files and readme.txt should be installed in the ‘wp-content/plugins/auto-post-images-api/’ directory
  4. From the Plugin Management page, activate the “Auto Post Images (API)” plugin
  5. Edit the plugin image/thumbnail directory path and url in the Plugin Admin Panel to a directory outside the plugin inatallation directory. Note: If you use the default image directory inside the plugin installation directory you images might get deleted when upgrading
  6. Copy the “imagecomingsoon.jpg” default image from the plugin directory (‘wp-content/plugins/auto-post-images-api/images/’)into your image directory. If you don’t copy it then you will get 404 error for the image.
  7. Upload images to the image directory and they will appear in the corresponding posts


1 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.1.3
  • Last updated: 11 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.6.2
  • Tested up to: 3.6.1
  • PHP version: false