Around this date in the past…

Around this date in the past…

Joan Junyent Tarrida

[ Notas en castellano en la web ] [ Notes en catala a la web ]

It shows around this date entries/posts in the past (if they exist). It is highly customizable. By default it retreives a week around the current day 1 year ago.

IMPORTANT: If your sidebar supports the new WordPress Widgets, you might better use the “Around this date in the past… – Widget Edition” plugin.
Check-it here:
[ ]


Place the function wherever you want to show the links.

You can call to function with default parameters:

    <?php around_this_date(); ?>

Or configure it:

    <?php around_this_date ($before = 'One year ago... ', $after = '<br />', $daysbefore = '3', $daysafter = '3', $mode='1', $yearsago = '1'′,  $limit = '5', $none= 'none', $showdate = '0', $dateformat = 'y', $showexcerpt = '0'); ?>
    <?php around_this_date ($before = 'One year ago... ', $after = '<br />', $daysbefore = '3', $daysafter = '3', $mode='2', $lastxyears = '2'′,  $limit = '5', $none= 'none', $showdate = '0', $dateformat = 'y', $showexcerpt = '0'); ?>
    <?php around_this_date ($before = 'One year ago... ', $after = '<br />', $daysbefore = '3', $daysafter = '3', $mode='3', $sinceyear = '2004'′,  $limit = '5', $none= 'none', $showdate = '0', $dateformat = 'y', $showexcerpt = '0'); ?><h3>Configuration parameters</h3>
$before = Code will show before links. Defaults to ‘This week last year…: ‘
$after = Code will show after links. Defaults to ‘’
$daysbefore = Days’ posts that will show before one year ago. By default ‘3' (3 days before)
$daysafter = Days’ posts that will show after one year ago. By default ‘3' (3 days after)
$mode = Select the mode that you want the widget to work. By default ‘1' (X years ago)
    Mode 1: get posts around this date from X years ago.
    Mode 2: get posts around this date for the last X years.
    Mode 3: get posts around this date since year X.
$yearsago = It shows “X” years ago posts. By default ‘1' (1 year). ONLY IF MODE 1 IS SELECTED.
$lastxyears = It shows posts por the last "X" years. By default ‘1' (1 year). ONLY IF MODE 2 IS SELECTED.
$sinceyear = It shows posts since the year "X". By default ‘2005' (since year 2005). ONLY IF MODE 3 IS SELECTED.
$limit = Number of posts to retrieve. By default ‘4'. 
$none = Text shown when there are no posts. By default 'none'. 
$showdate = Show dates next to the links. ('0' or '1', by default '0', disabled)
$dateformat = Format of the date displayed next to the links (if checked). See 
$showexcerpt = Show the excerpt next to the links. ('0' or '1', by default '0', disabled).<h3>Customize display</h3>

In adition to the options avaliable in the function you can highly customize the apearance of the output by using CSS. These are the classes avaliable:
ul.atd-list {} // base list container.
li.atd-year {} // Yearly headers.
atd-yXXXX {} //yearly based class, eg. atd-y2006, atd-y2005 …
ul.atd-yearlylist {} // list container for each year around this date posts.
li.atd-entry {} // list items containing each around this date posts.
atd-yXXXX {} //yearly based class, eg. atd-y2006, atd-y2005 …
atd-mXX {} //montly based class, eg. atd-m01, atd-m02 … atd-m12.
atd-dXX {} //dayly based class, eg. adt-d01, atd-d02 … atd-d31.
atd-XXXXXXXX {} //date based class, eg. atd-20061205, atd-20050304 …
a.atd-entry-title {} // Link to the post.
.atd-entry-date {} // span containing the date, if $showdate enabled.
.atd-entry-excerpt {} // span containing the excerpt, if $showexcerpt enabled.


This plugin is released under the GPL license. See license.txt for details.

Credits and Acknowledgments

This plugin is based on:
– “One year ago” plugin released by Borja Fernandez
[ ]
– “Wayback” plugin realeaased by Chris Goringe
[ ]

Thanks to Borja Fernandez[ ] and Chris Goringe [ ] for writing those plugins and to Luis Pérez and Mike Koepke for their contributions.


Nothing else planed by now.

None yet

v.0.7 = All displayed in a single list with yearly sublists.
NEW Feature: display date and/or excerpt.
NEW Feature: added CSS markup to allow maximum flexibility on display.
v.0.6.3 = Fixed a bug when calling get_old_posts().
v.0.6.2 = Fixed a bug when having & in post’s title. Isolated repetitive code in its own function. Changes contributed by Mike Koepke.
v.0.6.1 = Fixed bug when having quotes in post’s title. Thanks to Mike Koepke for bug repporting and helping with fixing.
v0.6 = NEW Feature: added 2 new modes, last X years and since year X.
Corrected bug in $start_ago and $end_ago.
v0.5.2 = XHTML valid. Thanks to to Luis Pérez
v0.5.1 = Added the $daysbefore and $daysafter parameters.
v0.5.01 = Now the limit option works, for real 😉
v0.5 = First release. I decided to start on version 06 because of preserving version relation with “One year ago” plugin.

  1. Once downloaded the file, uncopress it and upload it through FTP to the server where your WordPress blog is hosted.
  2. Copy it to the folder /wp-content/plugins/ .
  3. Activate it through the plugin management screen.
  4. Introduce the funtion (with or without parameters) wherever you want to show the X years ago entries.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.7
  • Last updated: 17 years ago
  • Active installations: 10
  • WordPress version: 2.0
  • Tested up to: 2.1
  • PHP version: false