Kaltura All-in-One Video Plugin for WordPress

Kaltura All-in-One Video Plugin for WordPress


This is not just another video embed tool – it includes every functionality you might need for video and rich-media, including the ability to create videos and publish them directly to your post, centrally manage and track your video content.
You will instantly enhance user engagement on your WordPress site by enriching it with video. Leverage the full power of our Online Video Platform: superb playback, video management, social sharing, monetization, mobile and tablet delivery and more. Kaltura will handle all the heavy lifting in the back-end, including transcoding, storing, and streaming of your video content.

It’s simple to install, use and customize – download the Kaltura All-in-One Video Plugin and choose one of two options to host and manage your Kaltura back-end:

Kaltura Hosted Solution (Kaltura SaaS) – Free Trial and Affordable Packages

When you sign up with Kaltura.com you get 10GB free hosting and streaming using Kaltura’s world-class CDNs and hosting facilities. Get started with your free trial today! For more information on our packages beyond 10GB, please contact us and we’ll get right back to you.

Self-Hosted Solution

You can also connect your Kaltura Video plugin to Kaltura’s Community Edition- the self-hosted, community supported version of Kaltura’s Open Source Online Video Platform – all behind your own firewall and on your own server for free.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy video upload – import rich-media directly to your blog post
  • Superb viewing experience anywhere, anytime, on any device: automatic transcoding of uploaded videos, adaptive streaming, and delivery via leading CDNs.
  • Central media management – through the Kaltura Management Console. Includes video analytics and reports
  • Customize and brand your video players: both looks and functionality.
  • Support for Advertising & Monetization
  • Social Sharing – easily share across social networks, blogs, and sites
  • Support for WordPress multisite deployments
  • Enterprise grade video technology: end-to-end security, reliability, scalability and flexibility.

What’s New in Version 2.7

  • Cosmetic fixes to player embed on latest WordPress versions
  • HTML (not Flash) upload
  • Option for responsive player embed
  • Improvements to search and filter in Browse Existing Media
  • Ability to filter and choose from content the user is co-editor or co-publisher of
  • Removed the additional optional sidebar
  • Ability for administrators to choose whether editors see all publisher media or only their own media in Browse Existing Media
  • Ability for administrators to define root category (in Kaltura) that all media is uploaded to and that content can be repurposed from
  • Ability for administrators to select which players are available for content editors to choose from
  • Removed video comments

See release notes here.

Showcase your blog, see examples and pictures of the plugin and get support in our forum.

Join the Kaltura Community and Contribute to Open Source Video!

Creative potential, innovation, and competition all correlate directly with the balance of freedoms and constraints we face in sharing, manipulating, finding, and watching video. For instance, to create remixes or mash-ups, video artists need access to the original materials in order to reformulate their new work. In an ideal world, everyday users will be able to easily copy and paste portions of video, as they already can with text. Of course the benefits of a more open system will go far beyond remixing, cutting, and pasting – when open video standards and formats are widely embraced, it will be possible to index, search, and access the medium much as we do text. This will be the real revolution for video.

Kaltura is a founding member of the Open Video Alliance, a group of organizations, developers, creators, and academics all striving to foster the open-source online video revolution. We invite the entire community to join us in building the first open-source platform for interactive and collaborative video. We look forward to your input, feedback, time, and support.

Join the community and help us Open Source Video – http://www.kaltura.org/

I installed the plugin, but installation failed after pressing Complete Installation, showing me a text in a red rectangle?

Cause: Either curl / curl functions is disabled on your server or your hosting blocks API calls to the Kaltura servers.

Solution 1: Enable curl and its functions on the server (or have the hosting company enable it for you).

Solution 2: Remove any blocking of external calls from the server.

I can’t activate the plugin, it presents an error message after clicking Activate on the plugin list

It might be caused due to an old version of PHP.

The Kaltura wp plugin is written for PHP4 and PHP5 with the use of classes and static members, these are not supported on earlier versions of PHP.

Upgrade to PHP5 / later. If upgrading doesn’t solve this issue or you already have PHP5 on your server, post the error information on the forum and we’ll help you. (http://www.kaltura.org/forums/applications-and-cms-extensions/wordpress-kaltura-plugin-all-one-video-pack-forums).

Support for PHP4 was added on version 1.0

no es lo que esperaba

By diegoboneta on May 17, 2021

la verdad esperaba mas , esperaba algo que me pudiera dar una sincronizacion con el sistema de vigilancia AJAX system para poder ayudar me con el circuito cerrado de mi casa por otro lado pense que seria mas sencillo pero veo que fue mas dificil de lo que crei sobre todo por la interfaz casi nula de entender espero que mejoren suerte.

It's causing scrolling issues.

By Jonathan Bowen (JonathanBowen) on January 7, 2017

The plugin is affecting my ability to scroll the Wordpress sidebar.

Doesn't really work

By wpress2010 on September 3, 2016

Sure, you can go through the tedious process of registering with Kaltura, but it won't do you any good. This plug-in is just plain broken - and no one at Kaltura will answer anything here - or on their own support pages, for that matter. If you PAY Kaltura for their services, MAYBE they'd be interested in helping you. Open source? That's just a joke.

Want to have a Kaltura-hosted video play in Wordpress? Well, this plug in works a bit - you can actually get a Kaltura video to play in your WP site, but it won't play nicely with any other video content you might want to post that's hosted anywhere else. You can't style the presentation much, and the thumbnail feature is broken.

Also, the Kaltura plug's iteration of their proprietary video player inserts a half-dozen spammy Kaltura links to their own video products. Oh yeah, and the plug-in's controls that allegedly disable comments don't work, either. You could probably fix all of this by going into the plug's code, but I don't think that's much of a practical solution.

Check out this plug's Support section - not much there, and nothing recent, either. Stay away, unless you want to waste a lot of your time.

Poor documentation. Poor execution.

By arcain6 on February 7, 2017

It seems the Kaltura team is back at it again, and i don't mean that as a positive statement.

The horror show that is the update to All-In-One version 2.5 wordpress plugin. There are so many things wring with this update, it's hard to know where to start. SO i'll give a typical scenerio.

There is absolutely NO documentation for configuring the " settings.ini" file. The default values are horribly wrong in most cases. If you have CE5, you'll need to change ALL the ID numbers. Every last one. PERIOD!
Alas, the intellectual giants that developed this monstrosity fail to even HINT at where these magic Conf ID's come from. With kaltura's default install, you'll have more than 100 UI Conf ID's listed. Good luck guessing the correct one.

If you are using CE5, get ready to feel the pain. Once you've managed to get the conf id's correct, you're still out of luck. The editor-side selection of videos will actually work. However, once added to your post, the player itself will not be visible on the live page. Just a big fat blank NOTHING where the video player SHOULD be.

CE6, you'll have it a little better, once it's properly set up, you MIGHT be able to see the videos in your page.

Updating from Previos version (2.4.4 i believe) Will present a nightmare.

Unlike EVERY DECENT PLUGIN for wordpress. This one adds a table to the database (for the widget), as well as adds about 6 - 8 entries into the wordpress options table. Seems legit, however, if you uninstall the plugin. It doesn't remove these settings. Which means when you reinstall, yer borked, if you update, you're borked.

you will need to MANUALLY remove these from the database. YAY Sql fans! Boo anyone without proper knowledge. You may inadvertently #! the entire site.

Now we move onto a more geek oriented subject.

IT'S SLOW!! It's like trying to race a turtle if your a snail. A single video on your main page will bog the entire page down waiting for the player to load all the data. YAY DERPS!

Turn on debugging, and enjoy the spectacle. several errors with the php code itself. The code isn't nececerily bad, just many outdated strings. Using functions improperly, and not sanity checking code to prevent blank-page-of-doom is bad. Trap your errors silly.

So... as a recap, and possible solutions:
a) Installation:
Add a readme file that ISN'T 4 - 6 years old and default from version 1.0 of the script / kaltura.

b) Upgrade:
Create an uninstall script to remove the entries made by plugin in the wp_options table. also, remove the table created by the widget portion of the plugin.

c) Performance:
Instead of calling on Kaltura for every bit of information, preemptively upload thumbnail, and any other static yet small data points to a temp directory within the plugin, or an addition directory within the wp-content structure. Slimline some of the scripts, or data actually accessed to speed up page loading. i.e. You don't need to gather ALL data in an array, then later strip 99% of it out. clean it up.

D) Performance 2:
Update your syntax and coding practices. If you're coding for php v1.4.2 you'll have problems with depreciated functions, and syntax if the plugin is run on php v5.x. Should probably repackage the plugin with several flavors for diferent PHP versions. I'm not saying make 300 versions. but just the one's needed. i.e. php 4.x 5.x etc...

Version 2.7

  • Cosmetic fixes to player embed on latest WordPress versions
  • HTML (not Flash) upload
  • Option for responsive player embed
  • Improvements to search and filter in Browse Existing Media
  • Ability to filter and choose from content the user is co-editor or co-publisher of
  • Removed the additional optional sidebar
  • Ability for administrators to choose whether editors see all publisher media or only their own media in Browse Existing Media
  • Ability for administrators to define root category (in Kaltura) that all media is uploaded to and that content can be repurposed from
  • Ability for administrators to select which players are available for content editors to choose from
  • Removed video comments

Version 2.6

  • WordPress VIP version inlcuding sanitization, escaping and many other code improvements.

Version 2.5.1

  • Fixed PHP notice

Version 2.5

  • Full support for WordPress 3.5.2
  • MultiUser Support – install the plugin once, use video in multiple WordPress site instances (separate instances with centralized management and administration of all content)
  • Mobile playback support – reach anyone on any device (including iOS, Android), web, and set-top boxes.

Version 2.4.4

  • Changed registration form. Note that this is only relevant for new users of the plugin.

Version 2.4.3

  • Fixed compatibility with WordPress 3.1

Version 2.4.2

  • Removed link back to Kaltura for statistics gathering.

Version 2.4

  • MultiUser Support
  • New default players
  • Option to use custom KMC players within WordPress
  • Option to automatically generate video posts using categories from within the user’s KMC
  • Improved playback performance
  • Removed 200MB per upload restriction

Version 2.3.1

  • Fixed PHP4 client throwing warnings when allow_call_time_pass_reference is off

Version 2.3

  • Added widescreen support
  • Changed video players designs
  • Bug fixing and maintenance

Version 2.2

  • Added option to update video thumbnail via the Library/Browse view
  • Updated registration form
  • Several bug fixes
  • Enhanced default video quality to 800kbs

Version 2.1

  • Added sidebar widget displaying thumbnails of recent videos and video comments
  • Fixed compatibility with WordPress 2.7 beta
  • Several bug fixes

Version 2.0

  • Initial release of All in One Video Pack, the newer version of Kaltura’s Interactive Video plugin.

If you are installing this plugin for the first time:

  1. Download and extract the plugin zip file to your local machine
  2. Paste the ‘all-in-one-video-pack’ directory under the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in the WordPress admin application
  4. Go to Settings > All in One Video Pack to setup the plugin

If you are upgrading your current version of the plugin, or if you’re upgrading from the Interactive Video plugin:

  1. Deactivate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in the WordPress admin application
  2. Download the latest version
  3. Follow the installation steps above


1.1 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 2.7
  • Last updated: 8 years ago
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress version: 2.5.2
  • Tested up to: 4.6.29
  • PHP version: false