AffiliAmaze – Affiliate Linker
AffiliAmaze – Affiliate Linker

AffiliAmaze – Affiliate Linker


This plugin allows you to promote affiliate products on your WordPress pages and posts through a simple shortcode interface. Create attractive product boxes that contain affiliate links automatically associated with your Amazon Affiliate Associate account.

Question: How do I insert an affiliate product using the shortcode?
Answer: Use the shortcode [affiliamaze_affiliate_link product_id=""] in your WordPress editor to insert an affiliate product. You can also specify additional parameters such as product ID and layout options.

Question: Where do I find the product ID?
Answer: The product ID can be found under the “Affiliate Products” menu for each created affiliate product within your WordPress dashboard.

Question: Can I place multiple affiliate products on the same page?
Answer: Yes, you can place as many affiliate products as you like on a single page by inserting the shortcode in different locations.

Question: Does the plugin support various affiliate programs besides Amazon?
Answer: Currently, the plugin primarily focuses on the Amazon Affiliate Program. However, future versions may add support for other affiliate programs.

Question: Can I add my own products as affiliate products?
Answer: Yes, the plugin allows you to manage affiliate products, including custom products not available on Amazon. You can manage these products with the plugin and generate affiliate links for them.

Question: Does the plugin support tracking clicks and conversions for affiliate links?
Answer: The plugin itself does not provide built-in functionality for tracking clicks and conversions. However, you can use external tracking services or tools provided by your affiliate program provider to monitor these metrics.


  • Transitioned from Elementor widget to shortcode.
  • Added support for affiliate product management.
  • Improved CSS styles.


  • Added ability to import and export affiliate products.
  • Implemented support for automatic generation of JSON files for affiliate product import and export.
  • Introduced new settings page for configuring Amazon affiliate IDs and button texts.
  • Added custom post type support for affiliate products.
  • Provided customizable options for displaying Prime logo and Bestseller label.


  • Escaped variables and options when echo’d to enhance security and prevent vulnerabilities.
  • Updated text domains to ensure they match the plugin slug for proper internationalization.


  • Fixed a syntax error in the add_meta_box function.
  • Sanitized, validated, and escaped all input and output data to enhance security.
  • Replaced deprecated html_entity_decode() usage to avoid passing null values.


  • Sanitized, validated, and escaped all input and output data to enhance security.


  • Update to include JSON export feature


  • New Feature: Affiliate Market Column in Affiliate Products Overview
  1. Upload the plugin files to the “/wp-content/plugins/plugin-name” directory, or install the plugin directly through the WordPress plugins screen.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.

  3. Use the shortcode [AffiliAmaze product_id=”YOUR_PRODUCT_ID”] on your pages or posts to add your affiliate products.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 3.5
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 5.3
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: 7.4