Advanced Customer Reports – For WooCommerce

Advanced Customer Reports – For WooCommerce

Elliot Sowersby

Generate advanced reports to view detailed analytics and data for each of your WooCommerce customers.

Everything you need to know about your WooCommerce customers.

Make it easier for you to view advanced analytics and data regarding everyone one of your customers.

You will be able to view your customers total orders, order averages, recent orders list, recent activity, totals for each product, coupons used, and much more!

Getting Started

Simply install the plugin, and visit the “Customer Reports” page under “WooCommerce” in the WordPress admin.

Enter the username you would like to generate a report for, and click “Generate Report”.

The report will then be displayed on the page, showing you all the data you need to know about that customer.


  • Total Order Analytics – View the total number of orders, total amount spent, and total items purchased for each individual customer.
  • Largest and Smallest Orders – View what the largest and smallest order amounts are for each individual customer to give you an idea of their typical order range
  • Last Order Date – View the date in which the selected customer last placed an order on your store.
  • Average Order Value – View the Average Order Value for your customers to get an accurate view of their average spend each order.
  • Average Time Between Orders – View the average time between orders for each customer to see how often they are returning to your store.
  • Average Products Per Order – View how many orders a particular customer purchases on average, each time they place a new order.
  • Customers Orders List – View a full detailed list of all the orders that the customer has placed with their date, time, statuses, and order totals.
  • Recent Order Activity – View a recent order activity log, to view the progress and log updates for all their orders, such as status changes or payment errors.
  • Products Purchased – View a full list of the products that the customer has purchased with the ID, name, total purchased and total spent for each.
  • Report Filters – Filter the customer reports to view analytics for all time, this month and last month.
  • And Lots More! – Lots more extra analytics are also available such as payment method and coupon usage analytics.

Please note this is a fairly new plugin being actively developed and improved, so if you have any suggestions for additional features, please let us know!

PRO Version

You can upgrade to the premium version of the plugin to unlock additional features such as:

  • Filter By Date – Filter the customer reports to get all the analytics for only a specific date range.
  • Filter by Status – Filter the customer reports to get all the analytics for only a specific order status.
  • Product Affinity – The product affinity table shows you which products are frequently bought together by that particular customer, or all customers.
  • Customer Activity Log – View a log of all activity that the customer has done on your store, such as new orders, payments, logins, password changes, etc.
  • Export Data – Export data from the customer reports to a CSV file to view the data in a spreadsheet or other software. Currently available for the “Orders” section.


👍 Suggestions and Support

If you have any suggestions for additional functionality, need any help, or have found a bug, please create a support ticket.

Version 1.1.4 – 5th October 2024

  • Tweak: Code improvements and optimizations.
  • Other: Updated to Freemius SDK 2.8.1
  • Other: Free version officially released.

Version 1.1.3 – 31st August 2024

  • Tweak: Code improvements and optimizations.

Version 1.1.2 – 21st July 2024

  • Fix: Fixed an issue with the “Customers List” page being a little slow, and the pagination not showing the correct number of pages.

Version 1.1.1 – 21st July 2024

  • Tweak: Changed some of the text on the customer reports page.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with the “Customers List” not showing properly.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with the “Activity Log” not showing some activity items correctly.
  • Other: Updated to Freemius SDK 2.7.3
  • Other: Tested with WooCommerce 9.1.2
  • Other: Tested with WordPress 6.6.0

Version 1.1.0 – 20th June 2024

  • New: (PRO) Added export options to the “Orders” section of the customer reports.
  • Tweak: Added a “Go back to customers list” link to the top of the customer reports page.
  • Tweak: Added an option to view all order activity for the customer.

Version 1.0.0 – 17th June 2024

  • New: Initial release of the plugin.
  1. Upload the ‘advanced-customer-reports’ plugin to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the affiliate plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to “WooCommerce” > “Customer Reports” to generate reports for each of your customers.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.1.4
  • Last updated: 8 hours ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.6.2
  • PHP version: false