ActiveCampaign – Forms, Site Tracking, Live Chat
ActiveCampaign – Forms, Site Tracking, Live Chat

ActiveCampaign – Forms, Site Tracking, Live Chat


Create personalized customer experiences across channels with the ActiveCampaign plug-in for WordPress.

ActiveCampaign’s WordPress marketing automation plugin makes it easy to:

  • Embed ActiveCampaign forms directly into any post, page, or sidebar
  • Use site tracking to track visitors to your website
  • Enable live chat for accounts using ActiveCampaign Conversations

Make your website profitable
Turn your website into a viable customer engagement channel by attributing sales and conversions to site visitors with ActiveCampaign site tracking. Discover which products, services, and information your site visitors are most interested in—then trigger automated personalized follow-up emails that drive more revenue.

Drive the right traffic to your website
With only so many hours in a day, it’s crucial to spend your precious time on the right customers. Use ActiveCampaign forms on your WordPress site to help identify customers who are ready to buy, while firing automated emails to customers who still need a little warming up.

Keep your visitors engaged
Once a visitor visits your site, now what? It’s not enough to simply get them to the homepage, you need to keep them interested with relevant content that will keep them coming back. Add ActiveCampaign Conversations to your WordPress site to engage your customers in real time while leaning on automated nurture streams that keep pulling visitors back for more.

Your WordPress website is as much a part of your business as a physical storefront, email newsletters, and direct interactions with customers. Supercharge your WordPress site with ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Automation (CXA) to drive smarter, more targeted marketing promotions.

Don’t have an ActiveCampaign account? Sign up for a free trial to get started.

Ready to get started with the ActiveCampaign plug-in for WordPress? [Here’s how].


ActiveCampaign’s category-defining Customer Experience Automation Platform (CXA) helps over 150,000 businesses in 170 countries meaningfully engage with their customers. The platform gives businesses of all sizes access to 800+ pre-built automations that combine transactional email and email marketing, marketing automation and CRM for powerful segmentation and personalization across social, email, messaging, chat and text. Over 70% of ActiveCampaign’s customers use its 870+ integrations including WordPress, Microsoft, Shopify, Square, Facebook, and Salesforce.

ActiveCampaign scores higher in customer satisfaction than any other solution in Marketing Automation, CRM, and E-Commerce Personalization on and is the Top Rated Marketing Automation Software on TrustRadius. Pricing starts at just $9/month.

How do I create ActiveCampaign subscription forms to use in WordPress?

You need to be using ActiveCampaign email marketing platform to use this widget. Create new subscription forms in the platform by going to the “Integration” section, then they will be available through this plugin.

How does this plugin differ from copying and pasting the subscription form onto my site manually?

This plugin makes it much easier to do without requiring you to know which theme (or core WordPress) files to modify. Also, copying and pasting HTML into WordPress can often cause odd display issues (depending on your WordPress theme).

What happens after someone submits the subscription form on my WordPress site?

The same thing that would happen if they submitted it from another site: it redirects back to the ActiveCampaign confirmation message, or a custom URL if you have that set up for the subscription form in ActiveCampaign (modify your forms under the “Integration” section).

If you enable the “Ajax” option of the plugin settings, you can have the form submitted without the page reloading (so the viewer never leaves the page).

Can my form require an opt-in email confirmation be sent?

Yes, you would just make sure that your form settings (in ActiveCampaign) have the Opt-in confirmation setting checked.

How does live chat work?

Live chat is a feature of Conversations, an add-on available to ActiveCampaign users that enables multi-channel communication with your customers through a unified inbox. To activate live chat for your WordPress website you must first start a trial or purchase Conversations. Learn more here.

How will I know I have received a live chat message from a visitor?

All live chat messages will display in the Conversations inbox in your ActiveCampaign account. You can receive desktop and audio notifications when the messages are received, or use our Conversations mobile app (available for iOS and Android) to get push notifications on your phone and respond on the go.

I get a “Connection failed” message. What does this mean?

Please make sure that your login information is correct, and that you have at least one Integration form already created in the ActiveCampaign system.

Can ActiveCampaign send transactional emails for my WordPress site?

With ActiveCampaign Postmark — that’s ActiveCampaign’s transactional email provider — you can make sure your transactional emails (including password reset emails, form notifications, or account setup emails) are getting delivered, every time. With WordPress’ default mailer, crucial transactional emails often end up in the spam folder or aren’t delivered at all. With Postmark, deliverability issues are a thing of the past. Learn more about Postmark for WordPress

Attention: Big GDPR Issue!

By Dreitausend (jantenner) on August 1, 2022

At least in Germany it is not allowed to send the Users IP to some google server in the US without asking (cookie consent). But when you install this plugin, this is what is happening since it uses google fonts. That can be some very expensive "fun" ...

Active Campaign is usefull

By chris74s on December 28, 2021

It is a very nice tool, that allow to make automations and more things. I recommend to use Active Campaign.

Easy to Use CRM

By lorella36 on July 14, 2021

I totally in love with ActiveCampaign! It is easy to use and has so many great features. Set up email automation is very simple even if you are not a geek! I read up on so many email marketing platforms before settling on this one, and I couldn't be happier with my choice.

Great Tool for Forms and Site Tracking

By musiccelebrations on July 7, 2021

I have been using ActiveCampaign with all my WordPress websites for a couple of years and have had a great experience. Their forms integrate nicely with WordPress and can be as basic or customized as you like. The site tracking feature is also very helpful and accurately relays the activity of our website visits. This is a great plugin that has so far caused zero issues with any of my WordPress sites for clients and setting it up was very easy.

Muy recomendable

By excelyfinanzas on June 30, 2021

Trabajo desde hace cerca de un año con Active Campaign, creando funnels de venta para mi negocio de formación, y ha sido increíble lo que me ha ayudado a desarrollar mi negocio, la facilidad de uso de la herramienta y lo que es posible llegar a hacer con ella, sin duda alguna lo recomendaría siempre. No hay otra herramienta en el mercado que se asemeje a lo que puedes hacer con Active Campaign Miguel CEO Excelyfinanzas

AC is for the beginner AND the experienced marketer

By dawnwilliams68 on June 29, 2021

I've been using AC for over a year and absolutely LOVE it. One of the first things I noticed after switching to AC was the difference in customer service. They always go the extra mile to support answers to my questions and even offer short videos/walk throughs/screenshots to help me more. I've never had an issue waiting for someone from the support team to offer support and it is clear that they have knowledge about their product, not just read the answer from a support manual (yes, other places do that). AC is also so user friendly that it isn't hard to figure out most things yourself.

Excellent tool. Great for integrations.

By nutrioteca on June 29, 2021

Excellent tool. Great for integrations, automations, forms, landing pages ... Recommended.

Works Great

By sligogirl54 on November 26, 2020

I've been using the Active Campaign plugin for the last couple of years and it works beautifully. Thank you!

Simple to use, no issues

By pgagnon on November 24, 2020

We've been using AC and the plugin for 3 years on our websites and it works as intended. We haven't had any problem and it's easy to use and the synchronisation is seamless. Integrating forms is much easier with the plugin and even compared to other plugins we are using. We are using some forms accross mutltiple sites and we've had no problem. Solid plugin, solid platform, not too expensive for what they offer.

ActiveCampaign Plugin Works Well

By nsnellman on November 24, 2020

We've incorporated ActiveCampaign forms into our website and use it for our email marketing as well. The forms are easy to set up and use. We've also used automated notifications when forms are filled out. The automations are very easy to set up as well. ActiveCampaign also regularly appears to be adding functionality and takes their client input seriously. The online help is very good!


  • Verifying 6.5 compatibility, updated listing


  • Security fix to address SSRF vulnerability with API URL verification and wp_safe_remote_get
  • Removing unreachable deprecated curl code


  • Fixing shortcode CSS display in Form Preview


  • Verifying 6.3.1 compatibility, updated listing


  • Security fix to address XSS vulnerability


  • Removing obsolete Javascript


  • Verifying 6.0 compatibility, updated listing


  • Updated authentication for internal API requests


  • Updated listing


  • Updated listing


  • Improving credential check to fix permissions bug
  • Fixing non-inline form previews in block editor
  • Removing unnecessary Google Font loads on no-style embeds
  • Updating Plugin description


  • Updating Readme with up to date screenshots and better descriptions
  • Updating Plugin Settings with clearer descriptions of form and shortcode use cases
  • Fixing block editor CSS class input on dynamic div output
  • Fixing display of Site Tracking settings without forms
  • Site Tracking JS migrated to vgo() from pgo()
  • Fixing bug with Tracking ID fetch
  • Adding admin notice stack for future plugin updates


  • Rolling back settings page form/css deprecations. We have improved testing workflows moving forward.


  • Hotfix for Default CSS option deprecation
  • Moving from global assignment to block/shortcode assignment
  • Allowing fallback for existing blocks without CSS setting


  • Simplifying plugin settings options
  • Dropping ‘Global’ CSS option for block, defaulting to ‘Use ActiveCampaign CSS’
  • Converting to Dynamic Block pattern


  • Improved error handling on expired credentials and misconfigurations
  • Shortening Block widget name to ‘AC Forms’


  • Improvements to Gutenberg Editor experience, including live preview of Form embeds
  • Background color bug fix
  • Shortcode support for optional ‘css’ and ‘static’ attributes that default to plugin settings
  • Avoiding global namespace conflicts of on-demand chunks bug fix


  • Pluggable bug fix


  • Security fix to address CSRF vulnerability
  • General fix to address browser warning for invalid cookie attribute


  • removing php 7 feature usage


  • Update ActiveCampaign forms embed to be compatible with Gutenberg editor
  • Resolve account connection UI bug


  • Updated listing


  • Updated readme


  • Update tracking code copy to be more specific to Site Tracking and Conversations.
  • Fix old link to Forms page.
  • Make install code toggle focusable.


  • Include our own host header on requests.


  • Update plug-in to enable Live Chat.


  • Force upgrade prompt for users on 6.25.
    • The prior version (6.3) is technically smaller than 6.25 in semantic versioning so users on 6.25 won’t ever see an upgrade prompt unless we got to 6.25.1 or 6.26.


  • Added site tracking options for GDPR.


  • Fix for when the “form_id” key is undefined.


  • Fix for when the “site_tracking” key is undefined.


  • Limit amount of ActiveCampaign account data shown in JavaScript (for site tracking).


  • Fix for “Keep original form CSS” checkbox not being respected.


  • Fix for Undefined index: css error.


  • Fix for 6.2.6 change missing another check.


  • Fix for certain error messages not being displayed properly.


  • Fix for SSL issue (when the page is loaded via HTTPS and the AC account uses a CNAME, forms would not show up).
  • After upgrading go to WordPress ActiveCampaign settings and click “Update Settings” so it reloads the form code!


  • Fix for compatibility issue with Live Composer plugin.


  • Fix for issue with new forms not displaying properly.


  • Added support for new form builder.


  • Fix for issue with captcha verification when using the Ajax (“Submit form without refreshing page”) form submission option.


  • Support for captcha validation when using the ‘Submit form without refreshing page’ (Ajax) option.
  • Added success or error CSS classes to the Ajax response div.


  • Updates to avoid conflicts with other plugins using the ActiveCampaign PHP API wrapper.


  • Use current user’s email for site tracking.


  • Security fix.


  • Removed ability to add custom form “action” URL.


  • Patched major security bug.


  • Added site tracking (optional setting).


  • Default form behavior is now “sync.” This coincided with WordPress version 3.9 release.


  • Added button to TinyMCE toolbar to more easily choose and embed the form shortcode into the post body.


  • Added support for multiple forms. Removed widget entirely.


  • Added ActiveCampaign to the Settings menu so you can use the shortcode independent of the widget.


  • Added many additional settings to control how your form is displayed and submitted.


  • You can now use a shortcode to display your subscription form.


  • Re-wrote widget backend to use most recent WordPress Widget structure.
  • Streamlined code and API usage.
  • Ability to reset or refresh your forms.
  • Better form width detection.


  • Changed internal API requests to use only API URL and Key instead of Username and Password.
  • Provided option to remove style blocks from embedded form code, and converting input type="button" into input type="submit".


  • Re-configured to work with ActiveCampaign version 5.4.
  • Improved some areas.


  • Verified this works with latest versions of WordPress and ActiveCampaign.
  • Updated installation instructions.


  • Initial release.

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. Please see our additional help documentation for more detailed information.

  1. Upload the entire “activecampaign” zip file to the Plugins section of WordPress, or “Add New” plugin and search for “activecampaign.”
  2. Visit the Settings > ActiveCampaign section in WordPress.
  3. Fill in your ActiveCampaign connection details, then hit Update.
  4. Configure your forms:
    • Using Classic Editor? Choose which subscription forms to use in the widget and associated CSS settings for each, then hit Update Settings again. You can also copy your shortcodes from this section.
    • Using the Gutenberg Block Editor? All your forms and CSS options will be available in AC Forms block.
    • Using shortcodes? The [activecampaign form=ID css=1] shortcode will display a form anywhere on your site where shortcode syntax is supported. Toggle shortcode parameters css=1 or css=0 to override the plugin setting’s “Use ActiveCampaign’s form CSS” value.
  5. Embed multiple forms onto a single page!
  6. Enable site tracking to have page visits tracked to ActiveCampaign.


4.6 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 8.1.16
  • Last updated: 6 months ago
  • Active installations: 60K
  • WordPress version: 2.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP version: 5.4