7feeds ticker

7feeds ticker


7feeds News Ticker is a flash-based tool that allows you to add vertical
scrolling news, events, announces, press releases, and other content from
any RSS feed to sidebar of your blog. 7feeds ticker is a highly configurable
tool: supports themes, customizeble colors, titles, dimentions and advanced
scrolling settings. Loads immediately and works smoothly. Enjoy!

A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.

Version 1.10.6

  • Fix bugs of 1.10.5 – scroll and viewing news in few tickers

Version 1.10.5

  • Add news order by pubdate to News order (optional)

Version 1.10.4

  • Add filters to short code
  • Fixed bug with eregi_replace

Version 1.10.3

  • Add reader(curl) for xml from ssl(https) servers
  • Fixed strip tag functionality for

Version 1.10.2

  • Fixed conflict with js-scripts.

Version 1.10.1

  • Fix conflict with MCE Editor – add link button work.

Version 1.10

  • When you deactivate the plugin your settings remains.

Version 1.09.3

  • Fixed RSS parser. Trouble with UTF encoded symbols

Version 1.09.2

  • Fixed RSS parser

Version 1.09.1

  • Fixed bug with tubs

Version 1.09

  • Widget design: added selecting font type for widget
  • Added news filter: ability to display items with/without specified keywords
  • New design of admin interface – rearranged fields and added tabs
  • Fixed some bugs in the parser

Version 1.08

  • Fix problems with parse links in Atom format

Version 1.07

  • Added Date template for news items. Now you can customize the date format at your wish

Version 1.06.2

  • Fix show widget promote
  • Fix show default URL for empty widget field

Version 1.06.1

  • Added widget title for sidebar

Version 1.06

  • Added shortcode [wp-7feeds]

Version 1.05.1

  • Fixed RSS parser
  • Tested in version 2.9.2

Version 1.05

  • Added new settings: rounded corners, title length limit

Version 1.04.1

  • Tested in version 2.9

Version 1.04

  • New features:
  • Mixing feeds (now you can add several feeds into one widget and mix the news items by your choice)
  • Added server configuration validator (PHP extensions check)

  • Bug fixes:

  • Fixed problem with html special chars in feeds

Version 1.03

  • Add transparent for flash ticket.
  • Fixed problem with HTML tags.

Version 1.02

  • Fixed problem with widget checkbox.

Version 1.01

  • Fixed url problem.

Version 1.00

  • Initial release version.
  1. Upload the ‘wp-7feeds’ folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘plugins’ page in WP.
  3. See ‘Options->7feeds ticker’ to adjust default options
  4. Go to ‘Apperance->Widgets’, add widget to ‘Sidebar’ or you can add shortcode [wp-7feeds], more info you can find in 7feeds ticker page
  5. You can change an options individually for each ticker widget on sidebar


4.5 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 1.10.6
  • Last updated: 11 years ago
  • Active installations: 30
  • WordPress version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 2.9.2
  • PHP version: false