12seconds Widget

12seconds Widget


Adds a sidebar widget to display 12seconds video status updates. For those of you who are familiar with Twitter; 12seconds is like Twitter, but with video instead of text updates. You can also embed the widget in WordPress posts and pages using shortcodes.


  • Displays the latest video status for a 12seconds user.
  • You can choose to display a “skinny” (175 X 290) or “fat” (380 X 440) version of the widget.
  • Can navigate to and view previous status updates in the “fat” widget using a thumbnail carousel.
  • You can embed the widget in posts and pages using shortcodes.

For more info (options, screenshots, etc.) visit the plugin homepage.

Styling Guidelines

The widget embed code


iframe> tag is assigned CSS class twelve-s-widget.

<iframe class="twelve-s-widget" ........... ></iframe>

The caption for individual videos ( when you use the 12svideo shortcode ) is assinged CSS class twelve-s-caption to the tag.

<span class="twelve-s-caption"><br/> ........... </span><h3>Release Notes</h3>

0.3 : Substituted [12s] shortcode with [12suser]; Deprecated [12s] shortcode; Added [12svideo] shortcode to display individual videos; Added style classes to embed code for custom styling;

0.2.1 : Cleaned up readme.txt formatting problems;

0.2 : First official public release; Added [12s] shortcode to embed widget in posts and pages;

0.1 : First internal release; with sidebar widget;

What is 12seconds?

12seconds is a place online for video status updates. It allows you to share what you’re doing with your friends and family using short video clips.

How do I record status updates?

Using your browser, mobile phone or any other video recording device you can record and upload 12 seconds of video to 12seconds.tv. Your videos will be displayed in the public stream and in the streams of your followers.

  1. Verify that you have PHP5, which is required for this plugin.
  2. Download the whole 12seconds-widget folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

Use as a sidebar widget

After activating the plugin, go to the Widgets section and drag the 12seconds-widget into your chosen sidebar and configure. You must enter a 12seconds username.

Use as an embedded widget in a post or page

Using the “shortcodes” system in WordPress 2.5 and up, this plugin will allow you to embed the widget into your WordPress pages and posts.

Use the [12suser] shortcode to display updates for an individual user:

     [12suser username="some_user" size="fat/skinny"]
  • The username attribute is required and is the login/user name to the 12seconds site.
  • The size attribute is optional and can be “fat” or “skinny” (default).

Use the [12svideo] shortcode to display a single video:

     [12svideo id="123456"]
  • The id attribute is required.
  • The id is the last set of digits of the URL when viewing a video on the 12seconds.tv site. The URLs takes the form http://12seconds.tv/channel/username/123456 . The id in this case would be “123456”.


0 out of 5 stars

  • Version: 0.3.1
  • Last updated: 15 years ago
  • Active installations: 0
  • WordPress version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.7.1
  • PHP version: false